Мuldashev А.А., Маslova N.V., Elizaryeva О.А., Galeeva А.Kh. EXPERIMENT OF REINTRODUCTION OF RARE ENDEMIC SPECIES OXYTROPIS BASCHKIRENSIS KNJASEV IN SOUTH URALS (BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC) The results of the experiment in reintroduction of rare endemic species Oxytropis baschkirensis Knjasev in the South Urals (2003—2014) are presented in the article. This species needs protection all over the areal. It is included in the Red Data Book of Bashkortostan Republic (2011) and the Red Data Book of Chelyabinsk region (2005). Studies have shown that under sowing of seeds on hill Tuytyube in Uchalinski district of Bashkortostan Republic in natural habitats this species gives seedling and forms "micropopulations" including plants of all age conditions. Plants become in the generative period from 2—4 years of development. Generative plants can return to the virginal status (temporarily not blooming plants), apparently, under the influence of moisture lack in the soil. At all stages of ontogeny, especially at pregenerative period, mass death of the plants was observed from adverse conditions. The prospect of artificial sowing of seeds in critical populations with the aim of restoring and maintaining their numbers is shown. Under conditions sowing of seeds with seed hardness after the winter storage the soil seed bank has formed, which provides annual seed regeneration for all over the period of observation (10 years). Sowing seeds collected in natural populations at maturity and characterized by various degrees of seed hardness gives relatively abundant seedlings in the following year, but in subsequent years renewal is relatively weak because of the depletion of the seed bank. The native population on the same hill is characterized by a very low density, which, apparently, is due to a lack of seeds largely. Under conditions the shortage of seeds at the critical populations artificial reseeding of seeds collected from the same population is advisable. Key words: Кey words: Oxytropis baschkirensis, Red Data Book, rare species, endemic, reintroduction, population, age structure, protection, South Urals.
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About this article
Authors: Elizaryeva O.A., Galeeva A.H., Maslova N.V., Muldashev A.A.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |