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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Yakovleva Yu.K., Onosova I.A. SPECIAL FEATURES OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF DEMOGRAPHIC AND ETHNO-CULTURAL PROCESSES IN DONBASSSummary. Understanding and consideration of pupil's ethno-cultural traditions is quite important for effective state administration and development of a region as a whole. Economic establishment of Donbass was executed under the influence of labor migrations that functioned as the key factor of population formation of the region with its ethno-cultural environment. Such historical preconditions also influenced the modern decision of Donbass population. The efforts initiated to dispute the choice resulted in military and political conflict and difficult social and economic situation. These present challenges as well as the implementation issues of future development strategies condition the need for analysis in demographic aspects of ethno-cultural environment formation in Donetsk Region. It is established that labor migrations conducted under control of tsarist and further Soviet Government not only promoted the progress of Donbass industry but formed ethnic and cultural basis of the regional society. In various historical periods the inflow of Russian migrants, and their predominance in towns and industrial centers of Donbass conditioned the prevalence of the Russian language with culture and traditions in its ethno-cultural environment. It is found out that during the period that is relatively short for the history of mankind on the territory of Lugansk and Donetsk area there appeared a new specific community of people whose mentality and genetic memory was determined by unity with Russian world and Russian fundamentals. The complicated social and political situation, and military conflict in Donbass is the consequence of the natural response of Donbass people to the attempts initiated to deprive them of their native language, history and the right of choice of own development way that was predetermined by the historical past. The present situation demonstrates again that state administration and government policy cannot be effective and successful without taking into account and understanding of the nation's history and ethno-cultural traditions.Key words: Donbass, settlement, migration, population size, ethno-cultural aspect, assimilation processes, national self-identification, mentality, regional society.


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About this article

Authors: Yakovleva Yu.K., Onosova I.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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