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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Miheeva N.N. CAPITAL BANK BUILDING IN CRISISThe effective functioning of the banking system in the conditions of crisis to a large extent depends upon retaining its own development, primarily through the provision of stable growth of Bank capital. The major problem at the moment is the low degree of capitalization of the banking system, limiting its lending capacity. The recovery of the economy after the crisis intensifies competition among commercial banks, which further spur the banks to increase capitalization. In our view, the way of increasing capital of banks in crisis the following. First, to develop mechanisms to prevent and mitigate the risks that can be further introduced to the domestic banking system in connection with the expansion of integration processes and instruments of implementation of this mechanism. Secondly, to increase the market of retail and corporate lending. Third, to reduce the share of influence of the political situation in the country on credit and investment policy of banks. Fourthly, to increase the share of credit card products, as the most technologically advanced and quickly adaptable for any needs. Fifth, to increase focus on the management of customer loyalty, as one of ways of increase of profitability of banks. One of the measures to increase the capital of banks is the recapitalization of banks through Federal loan bonds. The implementation of this mechanism makes it possible to increase the tier II capital of banks, and allows credit institutions to attract more resources from the market and direct these resources at increasing its assets, that is lending to the economy, which in the current environment is experiencing a clear shortage of funding. Conducting a program of recapitalization of small and medium-sized banks, focusing on the regional credit institutions, the state is able not only to protect regions from economic recession, but also to create momentum for further development. And this at a time when Russia is fighting for every fraction of a percent GDP growth, an extremely important and urgent task.Key words: bank capital, capital base, capital increase, the capitalization of banks, sources of growth capital.


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About this article

Author: Miheeva N.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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