Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Kargapoltseva N.A. ON THE PROBLEM OF DEVELOPING THE SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SOCIAL COMPETENCE BASICS BY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES MEANS [№ 4 ' 2024] Social education of preschool children is an important component of their overall development and preparation for life in society. Children of preschool age begin to communicate with other children and adults, so social education helps them develop communication skills, cooperation, conflict resolution and emotional self-control. These skills will be useful for children in all areas of their lives, including further education at school, development of educational activities and personal relationships. Today, teachers are faced with the task of finding effective pedagogical means of developing the basics of social competence of senior preschoolers, among which those that fill the child's life with significant events are effective. Volunteer activity is such a modern and socially in-demand means. The purpose of the pedagogical study was to organize volunteer activities with senior preschool children, ensuring the development of the basics of social competence. Experimental work on the development of social competence of preschool children by means of volunteer activities was carried out on the basis of preschool educational organizations of the Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region. In practice, a partial educational program
Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Moiseeva A.N. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF MASTER’S STUDENTS TO WORK WITH GIFTED CHILDREN [№ 1 ' 2023] A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies has led to the need of society for people who are able both to solve new problems in an unconventional way and to bring new content to all spheres of life. Therefore, today an important direction in state policy in the field of education is connected with the development and support of children with increased educational needs and abilities, which constitutes the potential of the country. To identify such children at the earliest stage, to promote the development of their talents is the task of modern education. The primary role in this process is played by teachers working with children. It depends on them whether the child will be able to develop his/her abilities or not. In modern psychological and pedagogical research works, it is noted that only a teacher with general and special knowledge, certain personal qualities of character can work effectively with such a category of students as gifted children. All this demanded the timely and qualitative preparation of students of correspondence courses to work with gifted children in educational institutions. Readiness to work with gifted children is directly related to the readiness of teachers to implement the educational process in accordance with the requirements of modern state educational policy, taking into account the needs, capabilities, desires and abilities of students, to develop and implement program and methodological documentation, to carry out scientific and methodological work and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, to the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process. The purpose of our experimental work was connected with the practical implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional readiness of students of correspondence courses (teachers of additional education) to work with gifted children.
Tavstukha O.G., Andreeva E.I., Miheeva E.V. INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATION [№ 5 ' 2019] The increase in the number of students with disabilities suggests an increased focus on the organization of their education. An inclusive approach ensures equal access to education for all children without discrimination. It is important to consider the needs of learners with disabilities and their healthy peers. Pre-school age is the most effective in the organization of inclusive education. This is the period when communication skills are developed. The organization of an inclusive environment in order to include all students in an inclusive culture of kindergarten is relevant. Awareness of the value of difference will enable all participants in the educational process to feel comfortable and safe. The aim of our study was to identify key aspects of creating an inclusive educational environment for kindergartens. Diagnostics of professional development courses made it possible to identify the most common problems with the introduction of inclusive education in kindergartens in the region. To address these challenges, we have engaged our own professional experience in the preschool education system. As a result, we have highlighted the main principles of effective organization of inclusive educational environment and its components. We have described the content of the communicative-organizational, subject-spatial and content-methodical components of the inclusive educational environment. We presented a mechanism for interaction between kindergarten specialists and described their functions. The implementation of these principles and components of an inclusive educational environment will contribute to building a holistic system of inclusive preschool education in the kindergarten.
Kholodova G.B., Gilazieva S.R., Mikheeva T.M., Simonenkov V.S. USING THE MOODLE SYSTEM IN STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE “SELF-DEFENSE” [№ 1 ' 2019] The effectiveness of the educational process and its effectiveness is due to many factors, including the use of modern forms of education in the educational space. The use of Moodle e-learning technologies allows to solve the problems of the formation of creative thinking, ensures the development of the student’s initiative and independence, allows you to apply the knowledge gained in the learning process in solving practical problems. Currently, to study the theoretical section of the discipline “Self-defense, its legal foundations and methods of its application” only lecture classes and preparation of essays are used. Our testing of students showed a low level of knowledge gained as a result of the application of these forms of education. In search of a solution to the existing problem, we developed a training course in the Moodle e-learning system in the educational process of the “self-defense” discipline, and tested its effectiveness. As a result of the experimental work, we found that the use of the program developed by us in the Moodle system for the academic discipline “Self-defense, its legal foundations and methods of its application” allows increasing motivation, reaching the level of conscious attitude of students to this type of activity in the system of students’ professional training. Thus, the use of the training course developed by us in the Moodle system significantly improved the level of theoretical preparedness in studying this discipline. The implementation by students of methodological and practical tasks of the training course, contributed to the stabilization of interest and practical exercises. Thanks to electronic distance learning, students were able to independently obtain the necessary knowledge using the most attractive resources, which allows you to make the learning process more intensive.
Pankratovich T.M., Mikheeva T.M., Pankratovich Y.G., Stepanov V.M. PRACTICE-ORIENTED ASPECTS OF ENDURANCE AMONG STUDENTS AT PHYSICAL CULTURE LESSONS DIFFERENT SPECIES ORIENTATION [№ 7 ' 2016] In any activity there are specific requirements to abilities of the person a long time to perform the work without compromising its efficiency, resist fatigue, effectively to recover after work. This ability is identified as one of the leading physical qualities — endurance. A sufficient level of development of endurance allows each person to better cope with any prolonged work (whether work training, mental or physical). That is why in all curricula in physical education on all educational levels education endurance is very important, provides a basic level of development. Educational practice in higher education has shown that most students experience some difficulties in the implementation of the control requirements for assessing the level of development of endurance. This determined the search areas of the ways to improve indicators of endurance among students at physical culture lessons. In our study, we considered the practice-oriented aspects of endurance, substantiate and verify the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions aimed at improving General endurance of the students at the lessons of physical culture of different species orientation.
Kholodovа G.B., Mikheyevа T.M., Ziambetov V.Y. SELF INTENSE HEART MONITOR ON THE BASIS DURING PHYSICAL EXERCISE [№ 2 ' 2016] Currently, the high level of modern equipment and technology, continuous improvement of the intensity of human activity in terms of production and pace of modern life require an appropriate level of training of university students for their future professional activity, which should provide a high level of health. To preserve and strengthen health, a student must possess self-control techniques, self-diagnosis, self-esteem. Future specialist, based on acquired knowledge, health self-correction, should be able to competently build separate physical exercise. There is a need for scientific and practical developments that would enable students to learn and use in practice the basic techniques of self-control, as well as the dosing volume and intensity of physical exercise on the basis of heart rate. Currently, a high technique of rapid test "Еxercise intensity based on pulsometry Self " has been developed and experimentally tested in our study. Applying this technique in practice, a student, a simple and accessible way, may adjust the amount and intensity of exercise, to achieve the goals, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. As practice shows, during the methodical and practical training on the topic: "Еxercise intensity based on pulsometry Self" of the students formed the motivation to master the basics of self-control, grafted competent and sensible attitude to physical culture and sports.
Miheeva N.N. CAPITAL BANK BUILDING IN CRISIS [№ 8 ' 2015] The effective functioning of the banking system in the conditions of crisis to a large extent depends upon retaining its own development, primarily through the provision of stable growth of Bank capital. The major problem at the moment is the low degree of capitalization of the banking system, limiting its lending capacity. The recovery of the economy after the crisis intensifies competition among commercial banks, which further spur the banks to increase capitalization. In our view, the way of increasing capital of banks in crisis the following. First, to develop mechanisms to prevent and mitigate the risks that can be further introduced to the domestic banking system in connection with the expansion of integration processes and instruments of implementation of this mechanism. Secondly, to increase the market of retail and corporate lending. Third, to reduce the share of influence of the political situation in the country on credit and investment policy of banks. Fourthly, to increase the share of credit card products, as the most technologically advanced and quickly adaptable for any needs. Fifth, to increase focus on the management of customer loyalty, as one of ways of increase of profitability of banks. One of the measures to increase the capital of banks is the recapitalization of banks through Federal loan bonds. The implementation of this mechanism makes it possible to increase the tier II capital of banks, and allows credit institutions to attract more resources from the market and direct these resources at increasing its assets, that is lending to the economy, which in the current environment is experiencing a clear shortage of funding. Conducting a program of recapitalization of small and medium-sized banks, focusing on the regional credit institutions, the state is able not only to protect regions from economic recession, but also to create momentum for further development. And this at a time when Russia is fighting for every fraction of a percent GDP growth, an extremely important and urgent task.
Mikheeva T.M., Kholodova G.B. FORMATION OF MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS TO INDEPENDENT OCCUPATIONS BY PHYSICAL CULTURE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF JOGGING) [№ 3 ' 2014] This article discusses the formation of students' motivation to self-employment by physical culture. Revealed the importance of jogging in improving the functional state of the body of the student. A method of formation of motivation to sports activity the example jogging sessions.
Mikheyev T.M., Holodova G.B. MEMORY AND ATTENTION CORRECTION ON THE INITIAL STAGE OF TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION [№ 2 ' 2014] In article the problem of adaptation of first-year students to process to training at university is considered. Ways of correction of memory and attention with application of means of aerobics of the section "Bodifleks" are offered.
Kholodova G.B., Mikheeva T.M. EDUCATION OF THE GENERAL ENDURANCE DURING PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS [№ 12 ' 2013] The article examines the influence of General endurance on the performance of students. Reveals the importance of health run in raising the level of functional state of organism of the student. Determined by the effective methods of health run in the education of your total stamina.
Miheeva N.N. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOME WAYS TO ENHANCE THE CAPITAL OF COMMERCIAL BANKS [№ 13 ' 2010] The article analyzes the possible sources of growth capital base of the Russian commercial banks are considered and their advantages and disadvantages. Particular attention is paid to capital increase regional banks than large banks.
Mikheeva M.A. SUIT AS A SOCIAL EVENT [№ 5 ' 2009] Suit is regarded in this article as a social event, as a measure of social information working out, as a special, continuously perfected mechanism of integral appraisal of degree of thing perfection. The concept "dress-code" is regarded here as an abridgement of law accepted in a social sphere.
Mikheeva N.N. TO THE QUESTION OF ECONOMIC ESSENCE OF BANK CAPITAL [№ 8 ' 2008] In this article general approaches to determination of bank capital essence are regarded, opinions of different native and foreign economists concerning the conception of capital of a commercial bank are analyzed and also determinations of bank capital used in legislative and normative acts are analyzed here.
Mikheeva T.B. TO THE PROBLEM OF COMMUNICATIVE IDEAL [№ 9 ' 2006] This article is devoted to the important problem of the Russian language teacher training for working in polyethnic schools. The author suggests ways of this methodical problem solution and reflects upon the role of professional development institute at this problem solution. This work has not only theoretical but practical meaning because at last years the problem of teaching in polyethnic schools becomes important for many regions.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |