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August 2015, № 8 (183)

Bobreshova I.P. THE CONJUNCTURE OF THE REGIONAL LABOR MARKETIn modern conditions, folding market relations, raised the question of the formation of the aggregate market, the main of which is the labor market. In the labor market forms an important production resource — the human potential of the country. The labor market is a complex mechanism, which varies according to different characteristics, properties and degree of development. Formation of the regional labor market performed quite differently because of the heterogeneity of the territory, although the laws of their formation and operation are basically common. The study of the regional labor market is impossible without studying the specific features of the region. This will re-create a more complete picture of the national labor market, to distinguish between general and specific principles of the functioning of the labor market. The study of regional labor markets is the most important task of the economy, because today the region is an autonomous economic entity and can build their own economic policies within the framework of solving local problems without affecting the interests of other regions. It should be noted that the system of labor market regulation, to date, remains highly topical problem of the formation conditions of the labor market in the country and in the region. There is an imbalance between demand and supply of labor in the labor market has led to the need for an integrated approach to the study of labor market conditions of the Orenburg region from the standpoint of the relation of its quantitative and structural performance. On the basis of the study identified the main disadvantages of regulating conditions of regional labor market.Key words: labor market, labor market conditions, regional labor market, supply and demand, employment and unemployment.


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About this article

Author: Bobreshova I.P.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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