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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Leonteva T.V. PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC AND DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN THE MOUNTAIN AND FOLDED AREAS OF ORENBURZHYEWater flow and hydro-geological zoning of the Eastern Orenburg region are formed under the influence of altitudinal zonation and latitudinal, landscape and climatic zonality. With decreasing absolute marks and with the transition from forest-steppe zone to the dry decrease the intensity of the water flow, increasing the salinity of water and changing their chemical composition. Carbonate type water changes to sulfate, and then the chloride type. Drinking water supply of cities, district centers and villages of the mountain-fold of the Orenburg region is due to the alluvial aquifer, which is almost everywhere in the Central and Eastern parts of the region are interconnected with fractured waters of the Paleozoic rocks. The city of Orsk region, guy and Novotroitsk the water is supplied to the high floodplain R. Ural. The waters of these intakes on mineralization close to the waters R. Ural (0.4—0.6 g/l). Water quality on the main components of the chemical composition to meet sanitary standards. But water contaminated with organic substances, like water R. the Urals, which increased the iron content, and sometimes marked by elevated concentrations of petroleum products. Iriklinskaya reservoir, which plays the role of large sump fills reserves alluvial aquifer below the dam. Being filtered through the alluvium, water subjected to purification, and water quality is improved. In some areas, for example, rivers, Hubers, hmelivka and Cebula alluvial deposits are not sustained, and groundwater Paleozoic rocks are discharged in the form of springs and reservoir outlets. Rock properties are not homogeneous, well discharge changes from 0.17 to 5.0 l/s at lower 1,2—34,7 m aquifer zone is 70,0 m fresh Water, hydrocarbonate-sulphate. In the Eastern region groundwater is the main source of drinking water. Maximum water and technogenic load lead to the depletion and deterioration of groundwater quality. The main approaches to solving this problem is a combined water supply system (CWS) and artificial replenishment of groundwater reserves (USPV).Key words: water supply, water, water intakes, water-bearing horizon, reservoirs.


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About this article

Author: Leontyeva T.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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