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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Kobseva N.I. TEST CONTROL AS INTEGRATION TOOL OF FUNDAMENTAL NATURAL-SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITYAnalysis of the integration of basic scientific knowledge of students on the basis of the leading concepts of modern science, revealed a direct correlation of becoming natural-science world view of university students on the timely correction, diagnostic control over the process of mastering the natural sciences. Therefore, as a technical means of integrating scientific knowledge, we have seen the intensification of "feedback". Easy to implement and productive one for the actualization of "feedback" (the evaluation mechanism) between teacher and student, based on the specific content of the discipline, test control acts as a modification of the pedagogical control. This test control assists in addressing the two key problems of optimization technology in the teaching of management: achieved the educational results and the teachers and students spent time on it. According to the principle of "feedback" function pedagogical control should be treated as timely and continuous adjustment of mental activities of students, i.e. validation of the response and errors as a motivational element of further training. In keeping with the integrative approach of the test tasks are not the result of a mechanical, mathematical addition, as the result of a complex interaction of the individual images. Logical integrity of the structure of tasks aimed at creating methods of thinking; specifically reveal the real potential to develop student's general and specific mechanisms of mental activity: synthesis, analysis, synthesis and abstraction. Based on the research we can say that systematic, orderly, focused test control knowledge provides efficient mastery of the students a large amount of new information, develops the ability to exercise self-esteem and self-control, to solve important problems — fully effectively use every minute of the student and faculty time. Thus, the integration of scientific knowledge on the basis of the leading concepts of modern science is yielding positive results in the context of deepening cooperation in the value "teacher ↔ student": the introduction of the test control, the creation of problematic situations, the organization of collective interaction. Key words: test control, university student, scientific knowledge, natural history, "Feedback", integration, world view.


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About this article

Author: Kobzeva N.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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