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July 2015, № 7 (182)

Huseynov Y.M. FOLDING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRIMEAN POLICY OF RUSSIA: FROM THE BEGINNINGS TO THE PRESENTThis article is devoted to the folding of the Russian-Crimean relations in the past three centuries. One of the objects of study is negotiated letters, which were signed between Crimea and Muscovy. They regulated trade, economic and political relationships between States. In later period of the Crimean khanate came under the influence of the Turkish state. Almost the entire political life on the Peninsula dictated the port with its trade, economic and military interests. Not without the author's attention is the problem of annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Empire, or rather the whole accession process. This article highlights about the Russo-Turkish wars of the late eighteenth century and, therefore, stems from her signing peace treaties that regulate the political development of the Peninsula. A separate object of study becomes 1783 (the date of the official accession of Crimea to Russia), as well as the policy of the Crimean region in the Soviet period. The annexation of the Crimean khanate to Russia has spawned a host to a number of reforms on the Peninsula. One of which was the provincial reform, which changed the governance structure of the Peninsula. Established new provincial units, which were controlled by governors. With the accession of the Peninsula to the Russian Empire on the Peninsula there has been a rapid economic recovery. In particular, trade, industry, agriculture, etc.In the beginning of XX century the Crimea was the stronghold of the white movement led by Wrangel, who have built their Republic. After the defeat of Wrangel and fall of the "white Republic" on the Peninsula was restored Soviet power. In 1954 Crimea came under the protectorate of Ukraine began a long process for the return of the territory to their ancestral Homeland. 2014 after a referendum in the Crimea and the hero city of Sevastopol have returned to their harbour — Russia.Key words: Russia, Crimea, the Crimean khanate, the black sea, the Caspian sea.


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About this article

Author: Guseynov Yu.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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