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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Sokolov A.G., Lyukshina L.V., Popova O.V. ELABORATION OF THE MODEL STRUCTURE OF LOCALLY OIL — OBJECTS SKVORTSOVSKY AREA IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe geological-exploration well, search engines tend to provide structural maps issued by. However, despite the modern high level of methodological feasibility study of field work and subsequent processing of specialized computing centers, seismic building (maps, sections) contain errors caused by not so much technical as geological causes. Despite the positive drilling results at the Skvorcovskoj square, the genesis of the traps and oil and gas prospects square remained outstanding. To address these issues, the authors conducted seismic stratigraphic analysis on temporary sections using all geological and geophysical information. Seismic stratigraphic analysis showed: borehole drilled within 104 Bashkir organogenic built and within the water-oil contactturnej deposits; the well was drilled in optimal conditions of 105 that the body structure to the bottom almost as good as carbon. As far as Devon, the estimated trap (reflection horizon Dafonin) in carbonate sediments displaced South of the structure in overlying sediments; the well was 115 in adverse conditions and on the upper and lower structural levels. At the same time structural floor prospects were outstanding. Borehole 104 drilled outside the fault trap. Borehole 105 has not reached Devon and possible trap is also well away from the deposit in the lower Carboniferous. According to the results of the analysis are to drill deep boreholes in no. 1 position on the River structure with opening of Devonian deposits in order to search for oil deposits in Bashkir, turnej and Devonian sediments and in position No. 2 on May day with opening structure of Devonian deposits in order to search for oil deposits in afoninsediments.Key words: seismic facies analysis, tectonic faults, deep drilling, Penetration of Devonian sediments, hypsometric level, wave pattern.


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About this article

Authors: Sokolov A.G., Lyukshina L.V., Popova O.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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