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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Solopova V.A., Efremov I.V., Yanbulatov I.I. FEATURES OF RECEIVING WATER BY CONDENSATION ON TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONOne of the sources of fresh water — water in air did not investigate yet. Climate of the Orenburg region is abruptly continental. Warm season at night moisture condensate from cooled air to form of dew. The intensity of dew formation depends on the humidity, diurnal temperature difference, wind speed and orientation of the surface of the precipitation. To collect condensed water from ancient times to the present day systems with large surface perceptible with artificially created centers of condensation are designed. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of the average expected performance systems to producing water from the air by condensation for different localities of the Orenburg region we concluded that the greatest results may be obtained in the vicinity of Sol-Iletsk. Analysis data for this settlement shows that the most conducive period is July 2013. Calculated for this month amount of water 0,002 liters from 1 kg of air per day or 0,00155 liters from 1 m3 of air. his value a little also testifies to low efficiency of use of a method of natural condensation for receiving fresh water in the territory of the Orenburg region. Respectively, that installation of natural condensation of water gave more than 1 liter per day it is necessary to carry out compulsory air circulation along the besieging surface not less than 645 m3/days.Key words: water, air, condensation, dew-point, relative humidity of air.


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About this article

Authors: Solopova V.A., Efremov I.V., Yanbulatov I.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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