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June 2015, № 6 (181)

Ondar E.E., Dergacheva M.I., Bazhina N.L., Ochur K.O. HUMUS OF MOUNTAIN TAIGA SOD SOILS OF TODZHA BASIN (NORTH-EASTERN PART OF TUVA)The composition of humus, structural features of humus profiles and specific elemental composition of humic acids of mountain taiga sod soils key area "Azas" (north-eastern part of Tuva) are discussed. According to the classification in 2014 WRB, these soils are Umbric Gleysols Dyst Soil sections are located on different positions of complex Catena that differ by relative height, expositions and a steepness of slopes. The vegetation cover is represented by light-forest of subtaiga nature-with rich grassland. The lower horizons of soil profiles are characterized by low temperatures. Analysis of materials of humus soil study showed that the features of its composition are higher value of Cha: Cfa and higher solubility (hydrolyzability) of humic substances and calcium humates share in them as well. This distinguishes these soils from analogues located in the European part of Russia. Characteristics of humus profiles depend on the exposure of slope on which the soil is formed and the soil position in the Catena, but in general the type of humus profile is characteristic as a forest soils. Specifics of of composition and ratio of elements in humic acids of the mountain taiga sod soils under study of the key area has been the lack saturation of of humic acid with nitrogen, a high proportion of carbon and relatively low values of H / C. Position in the relief has little effect on the elemental composition of soil humic acids under studied: the ratio of elements is changing the slope just as a trend. But the effect on the elemental composition of humic acid has a history of their formation which included the stage of development of steppe soils. Until now, in areas close to key sites "Azas" locally common steppe.Key words: soils, humus, ratio of humus components, humus profiles, humic acids, elemental composition, the north-western part of Tuva.


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About this article

Authors: Ondar E.E., Dergacheva M.I., Bazhina N.L., Ochur K.O.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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