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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Chepurova O.B., Smekalov I.V. SOCIOCULTURAL ASPECTS OF DESIGN EDUCATION IN SOUTH URAL. HISTORY AND PRESENTIn article design education development stages, as socially significant factor in formation of quality indicators of the modern environment are defined. The importance of system of design education, in implementation of activities for formation of professional design and creative community is caused. The little-known facts about activity in the province of the state free art workshops (SFAW) of an avant-garde orientation (1919-1920) and art and industrial schools of various specialization in capital Vkhutemas's sample are given as an example of distribution of revolutionary design ideas in regions of Russia (1920-1922). The sociocultural ideology of avant-gardists directed on formation of an occupation layer of a new formation, which is a basis of all methodological practice of modern design is considered. It is analyzed possibilities of development of traditions of schools of avant-gardists in the conditions of modern design education in regions. Various social aspects of design activity of designers and architects in regions reveal. The most demanded scopes of the creative ideas directed on modernization and improvement of sociocultural life support of the person in society are considered. Current trends of socialization of design activity of architects and designers are revealed. Qualitative productivity of design design activity is defined by its role in ensuring process of sociocultural integration of design ideas into system the individual — the sociocultural environment society and promotes interaction of design as design culture with social institutes. The received results allowed to specify activities of designers within their interaction with social institutes and to define the status of design activity of designers in Russia. Key words: sociocultural ideology of avant-gardists, design education, design culture, socialization of design activity.


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About this article

Authors: Chepurova O.B., Smekalov I.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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