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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Malakhov S.A., Repina E.A. STRATEGY OF CONFLICT-FREE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HISTORICAL ENVIRONMENT THE CASE OF THE CITY OF SAMARAThis article deals with analyzing the problem of overcoming conservative approach to reconstructing urban environment, including its historical part which definitely has got cultural and economic potential. The common practice of reconstruction in Samara and other cities is characterized by unsuccessful attempts to give the historical part of the city the quality that conforms to the modern idea of actively functioning post-industrial environment with its cultural challenges, multi-functional saturation of street space and general pathos of modern public relations. In Samara such approach has lead to practically any-place onset of developer projects, that demonstrate the priority of solutions based on infill high-rise development typical for commuter areas. As a result not only valuable historical heritage is destroyed, but also the genotype of the environment is changed, that possesses significant potential for self-development. Alternative projects designed by a group of Samara architects are based on the "conflict-free reconstruction" concept, the characteristic feature of which is dialogue (trialogue) between the parties involved in urban transformation, i.e. between the inhabitants of the blocks, authorities and investors. "Conflict-free" in such case implies search for a compromise between different projects, the vast majority of which is produced by the area itself. Small, disperse character of "local initiatives" corresponds to the scale of historical environment. What is also important is accelerating the localities' internal resource. The precondition for such acceleration is privatization of houses and courtyard areas by the inhabitants, facilitating incorporation of small business and co-operation with the expert community: lawyers, architects, real estate agents, municipal officials, scientists. Using several projects as an example, that were highly appraised at international competitions in Moscow and St Petersburg, the principal structure and contents of the new strategy are explained. Also the role played by the "Urban Institute" is defined — as the field for horizontal communication between the inhabitants, professionals and authorities and the trigger for "conflict-free" strategy of urban environment reconstruction. Key words: conflict-free reconstruction, self-development, "upward" design, dialogue, natural shape, cultural heritage, parceling, citizens — owners of the area, trigger for the strategy, urban institute.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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