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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Iconopisceva O.G. TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORENBURG IN THE CONTEXT OF SYSTEM OF MOVING OF THE CITIES OF THE URALSFormation of the largest system of moving of the Ural region difficult centuries-old process which cornerstone the certain state interests connected with expansion of borders of the Russian Empire were. The formed strong points of moving in the majority were put at once as the city with certain functions. Therefore, moving in the Urals wasn't natural evolutionary process. Territorial development of city space of Orenburg and other nearby cities connected historically is considered in the context of formation of system of moving and is carried out within the well-known periods of development — preindustrial, industrial and post-industrial. As a result of which, changes happened as in forms of development of the system of moving, and at the territorial level of the cities of components this system. At each stage the major political and economic factors and their influence on planning structure, and nature of territorial development come to light. It is noted that there are certain regularities of spatial development peculiar both to Orenburg, and other cities of the Urals of one genetic category. At each stage of development definitions of the spatial organization of urban areas are given. The revealed general regularities of spatial development are reduced to four main models, everyone from which corresponds to the historical stage. Possibilities of development of the cities and system of moving at the present stage of development are considered. The spatial organization of system of moving of the Urals and in particular in territories of South Ural possesses the high potential of development that is connected with change of borders of the state and border position of the cities. Orenburg can become "a gate to Asia" through which new transcontinental communication streams which will connect Europe, Russia and China will be directed again that can become new incentive to spatial development of territories of Orenburg and their high-quality transformation.Key words: settlement system, planning system, spatial development, agglomeration, the model of urban space.


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About this article

Author: Ikonopistseva O.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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