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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Barsukova N.I., Vishnevskaya E. V. METHODOLOGY OF DESIGN-PROJECTION AS THE BASIS OF INTEGRATED ORGANIATION OF OPEN SPACES OF URBAN ENVIRONMENTThe article aims at the formation of the theoretical basis of the improvement of open city spaces through the use of design aimed to humanize the urban environment. Because of the methodological potential of a design-projection on the creation of the environmental concepts of urban areas, focused on the quality of citizen life, it is warranted a study of an integrated approach in the creation of urban open spaces of enhanced comfort. At the present stage the urban design is actively exploring and implementing formation methods of open urban spaces. It plays a role of "intermediary" in the matters of solving the problems of historic compliance of the life-being environment to the demands of modern life, it covers the level of rapid change and details of environment organization. The system of open spaces as a rule is based on a balanced consideration of the full range of functional factors, the most important of which is the rehabilitation of the urban air, providing an optimal environment for the mass of the people rest, the inclusion of the natural landscape elements in architectural composition of the city. In modern conditions the problem of a great importance is the formation of such open spaces, which preserve the natural basis of the landscape or there are only separate on man-made elements. Open spaces are the most valuable from the point of view of "city-nature" relations, as they are the batteries of the ecological balance. The coastal areas are particularly valuable for the life activity and development of the modern urban environment in the socio-economic, functional planning, recreational and landscape-compositional meanings. The article summarizes the experience of design-projection of open spaces on the coastal areas of the Volga river in the framework of research and design school of "Design and Decorative Arts" Department, Volga Region State University of Service. The design projects are analyzed with in the presentation of the coastal areas as the places of people being and the areas of communication, as zones of ecological adaptation and an alternative to the natural environment.Key words: urban design, open space, design-projection, coastal areas.


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About this article

Author: Barsukova N.I.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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