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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Putintseva T.A. SEARCH TECHNOLOGY CREATIVE SOLUTIONS IN THE DESIGN OF SYMBOLIC FORMSIn the article the specific methods that can intensify the thought process of the designer, including — search techniques of creative design solutions in the design of trademarks, approved by the author during many years of practice in professional and academic design. Identified and agreed to the use of the most effective modern methods of finding creative solutions to design iconic forms. These methods form the basis of interactive technologies used in the design and design education. Namely, at the stage of pre-research — identifying visual inconsistencies and questionnaire; at the stage of creating design concepts — methods of generating creative ideas — brainstorming of various kinds, "methods to eliminate deadlocks," thought to guide the designer to update and productive work (transformation, search for new relationships, revaluation of design problems). The search technology of creative solutions in design engineering is constantly evolving, according to changes in design tasks that are dependent on time, place and the mentality of the target group. They develop, in accordance with the conditions of the market, with the possibilities of modern technologies and trends in the social and cultural relationships. Modern interactive technologies have greatly intensify and deepen this process. The use of modern effective technologies of search of creative solutions in design of symbolic forms will contribute to achieving the maximum semantic content and stylistic expression landmark visual environment and object-spatial environment as a whole, created by designer. Their study, application and development of permanent deserve high attention of specialists, beginners and professional designers.Key words: design, symbolic forms, trademark, creativity, search for creative solutions.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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