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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Popova D.M. TRANSFORMATION OF BOOK DESIGN OF THE CHILDREN'S BOOK-TOYBook design of the book toy — dynamically developing design-form. In article transformation of a book form on the example of the children's book-toy is considered. Interaction of the child with a design form of the book-toy allows to track active inclusion of game in a book plot. Process of change of a design means inclusion of the game elements allowing the child in a game manner independently to make decisions to alter a book form. Therefore in article the advantages of inclusion of game elements in a children's book design presented in the scheme allowing to see visually communication of game and a book design of the book toy are considered. Modification of a design form is traced on the example of two methods of transformation of a book form. The designer, projecting a new book design form, includes game process in a design or complicates the existing types of designs by means of additional elements (inclusion of the developing and didactic elements, game characters and tactile inserts). Within scientific research experiment with children of four-five years for detection of functional qualities of the book toy was made. Four options of interaction of the child with a book form and ways of transformation of a book design were as a result revealed. Having analysed results of experiment the typology of ways of transformation of a design form of the book toy for the first time is given in article. Thus, two methods of transformation of a book design (a method of inclusion of game elements in a design form of the book edition and a method of complication of the existing types of books toys) which design form changes as a result of inclusion of game elements and methods of transformation by means of which there is a modification of a children's book design form in the course of design are given in article.Key words: Кey words: the children's book-toy, transformation of a book design, design-form, game elements.


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About this article

Author: Popova D.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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