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May 2015, № 5 (180)

Zhelondievskaia L.V., Barysheva V.E. MANIFEST AS A TOOL OF STRATEGIC DESIGN IN ART AND DESIGNThe article relevance is due to the acute need for new project thinking in design and architecture. For the purpose of search for future design technologies it is necessary to study and understand methods, used in the earlier project work, at the time of stylistic trends fracture. Declaration of an artist's position, expressed in the form of a manifesto, is one of the main instruments of strategic planning. The article analyzes the manifestos of the most problematic periods of cultural development as the key to the solution of contemporary issues. The article deals with artistic manifestos that have become iconic in terms of changes in design methods, that are turning to a different style formation and understanding of the art role and place in the historical process. One of such cruсial periods is the Avant-garde of 20-s of XX century. "Manifesto of Futurism" by F. T. Marinetti is one of the most iconic ones in terms of fundamental changes in the artistic paradigm. Its theses were stronger and more expressive than the creative works based on them. The manifestos of Futurism themselves became an avant-garde product that influenced the history of art movements. Since then the manifesto has become an indispensable instrument for the expression of new ideas. The Suprematism is one of the most important trends of the avant-garde, which has attracted the attention of artists, designers and researchers for about a century. In this article the Suprematismis being considered through declarations and manifestos, in terms of its contribution to the search for design technology of the twentieth century. The subject is analyzed on the example of the founder and ideologist of this art movement — Kazimir Malevich. Creative and research heritage of Malevich is studied from the perspective of a project concept. As for the modern examples, inter alia, the following works are reviewed: the manifestos of Ken Garland 1963, "Manifesto 2000", creative credo of American designer B. Papanek stated in his book "Design for the Real World" in 1971, philosophy and creative postulates of English designer Karim Rashid.Key words: the Manifest, project, technology, Marinetti, Malevich, Suprematism, concept.


1. Marinetti F. T. Manifesto of futurism. //Futurism — radical revolution. Italy — Russia. The 100th anniversary of the artistic movement. The exhibition catalogue. The Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin. — Moscow: Red square, 2008. — 303 p.

2. Khan-Magomedov S.O. Book series "Idols of the avant-garde. Kazimir Malevich" — M: Gordeev S.E., 2010. — 272 p.

3. Malevich K. Chernyi kvadrat (Black square) — Saint-Petersburg: Azbuka, 2001. — 576 p.

4. Papanek V. Design for the real world /translated from English. — M: Publisher D. Aronov, 2004. — 416 p.

5. Rashid K. I Want to Change the World. Universe Publishing, 2001. — 224p.

6. Norman Donald A. The Design of future things. — М: Strelka Press, 2013. — 224 p.

7. Aronov V. The Concept of modern design. 1990-2010. — M: Artproject, 2011. — 224 p.

About this article

Authors: Zhelondievskaya L.V., Barysheva V.E.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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