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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Panina D.S. FEATURES OF REGULATION OF THE INDUSTRY OF ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS: EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIESFormation of the industry of electronic payments in modern Russian practice happens in difficult economic conditions. Absence of accurately formulated national standards in the field of electronic payments, creates additional difficulties in their development. Therefore further development of system of electronic payments on the foreground raises a question of its settlement. In world practice there were two approaches to regulation of electronic payments now: liberal and standard. Both points of view found reflection in formation of three main models of electronic payments: Asian, European and American. Asian models are characterized by the most tough policy of regulation (from the state monopoly for release of electronic money before introduction of restrictions of access of the foreign companies) that allowed to eliminate both internal, and external threats to security of national payment system that is especially actual in the conditions of a modern geopolitical situation. The position of the countries of the European Union decides as moderately standard on liberal views elements. Their main tasks are ensuring access on the market to new players and creation of the effective competitive environment for all participants. According to heads of U.S. Fed, the role of the state has to be reduced only to creation of conditions for competition development (for example, through tax eases). Approach to regulation of the industry of electronic payments in the American practice is considered the most liberal, so — the softest. These models of electronic payments from a position of state regulation are really extremely contrast and very specific, everyone has the advantages and positive practical results. Development of standard and legal base in the field of regulation of electronic money in Russia, certainly, has to consider the experience which is available in foreign practice. Owing to the catching-up development there is a real possibility of creation of the Russian system of electronic payments taking into account world experience, but not by trial and error.Key words: industry of electronic payments, state regulation, state monopoly for issue, liberal and standard approaches.


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About this article

Author: Panina D.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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