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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Fot A.P., Mochalin A.V. SETTING DOUBLE PAIR OF MACHINES GUITARS USING A COMPUTERThe subject of the article is the description of the method of set completion of double pair change gear boxes with variable axial distance machines of various types. The aim of this work is to study the possibility to ensure improvement of quality (variability and accuracy) and to reduce set-up time machining double pair change gear boxes with variable axial distance and obtaining ratio, that is increasing the number of change gear boxes by leaving (or reducing) the number of change gears in the box. The principal aim is to develop a method of completing sets of change gear boxes and developing software with a friendly interface that allows fast tuning of double pair change gear boxes taking into account the main kinematic, structural, size and weight restrictions. While solving problems analytical methods and experiments were used. By using the proposed method of gears set-up and developed software, the seven sets mentioned in reference literature and scientific research journals, were improved. The field of application of the proposed solutions is machine tool engineering industry. In conclusion, the article points out that there is a real possibility to ensure improvement of quality (variability and accuracy) and to reduce set-up time machining double pair of boxes with variable axial distance: comparing the performance of six well-known with six new sets of change of gears double pair of boxes equipped with proposed method, confirms a significant increase of integral quality indicators (PQI) of new sets (average for all sets: IQI approximately 2.8 times and IQI approximately 2.9 times). The calculations also confirm the possibility of reducing the number of wheels in sets compared to the known (while retaining the characteristics of known sets) sets with 30 and 50 wheels to 6 and 7 wheels, respectively, the sets of 26, 27 and 36 wheels to 3, 2, and 3 wheels respectively. Compared to the most efficient existing method the proposed method of completion of double-pair box machine by change gears provides the required technical result — increasing the number of gear ratios implemented wish set a of change gears while maintaining the number of replacement gears in the box set (set of 26 wheels — approximately 238 % in the set of 27 wheels — 235 % in a set of wheels 36–50 %).Key words: box of machine, a set of changeable gears, method of completion.


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About this article

Author: Fot A.P.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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