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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Novikov N.I. TO THE QUESTION OF CREATING A AUTOMATED SYSTEM MODELS OF TRAINING AND CONTROL GROUP PRODUCTION SITESProblems of preparation and management of the group automated production sites are characterized by high complexity, organizational and technological decisions are made in the conditions of uncertainty. The existing systems of preparation and management of group production sites don't provide flexibility, objectivity of information at decision-making that leads to failure of the set terms of production of details. Practice of automation of problems of preparation and management of the group automated production sites has local character, uses rigid algorithms. Complexity of objects and processes of organizational and technological design, at their automation demand new approaches. For increase of system effectiveness of preparation and management of group production sites in work approach at creation of models with application of artificial intelligence is offered and realized. Complexity of representation of knowledge of groups of detale-operations, technological processes, the equipment and processes of preparation and management of group production sites is shown. Various models of representation of knowledge are considered. For the description of objects and decision-making processes productional and frame approach in the object-oriented environment is used. The frame classes, definition of classes are executed classification, the most important communications between classes are allocated, programming of system is executed. For implementation of input of databases and knowledge, display of dynamic conditions of the modelled objects the class "Viewports of System of Planning" is programmed. The example of the rule of the developed knowledge base of system is given. Application of object-oriented approach at creation of models of the automated system of preparation and management of group production sites allowed to solve a complexity problem. Application of the multilanguage environment of representation of knowledge of experts allowed to realize the adequate description of diverse objects and processes in the uniform program environment. The offered approach allowed to realize methodology of creation of the intellectual automated program and mathematical complexes on training, the analysis, research and design of group production sites. Key words: organizational and technological design, the group automated productions, object-oriented design, artificial intelligence, models of representation of knowledge.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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