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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Shtain G.V., Panfilov A.A. FUEL EFFICIENCY OF DIESEL ENGINES WITH MULTIPHASE INJECTION OF FUELThis paper analyzes the basic requirements for modern automobile engines for economic and environmental indicators. Simultaneous execution of stringent environmental and improved fuel-economic characteristics of the engine is usually hard to implement. Introducing structural changes to improve the environmental performance of automobile engines may result in deterioration of fuel efficiency. One of the main directions of improving the environmental performance of diesel engines is the use of "Common Rail". On the example of the multi-phase fuel injection waveform obtained by the use of stand-simulator "System Car Train Common Rail" assessed the fuel efficiency of diesel engines largest thermal efficiency In the analysis of the waveform revealed that the use of a multi-phase fuel injection can significantly improve the environmental performance of the diesel engine, reduce noise and "rigidity" of his work. However, using this method creates the prerequisites for reducing uses of warmth fuel injected into the engine cylinder, thereby worsening the cycle efficiency. By analyzing the thermodynamic cycles of heat engines with different ways of heat supply certain that the loss coefficient of efficiency with conversion to fuel efficiency up to 10 %. The use of a multi-phase fuel injection engine solves the problem of the implementation of strict environmental standards for vehicles used in cities and towns. For engines of transport and technological machines and equipment that have a large enough capacity and the corresponding fuel consumption, also used in localities not use multi-phase fuel injection is not always appropriate.Key words: specific fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, relative efficiency, multiphase fuel injection.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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