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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Kustikov A., Kuzmin N. STABILIZATION OF BUSES GEAR BOXES OIL OPERATING ON CITY ROUTES WITH GRADIENTSThe article presents results of research aimed at improving the reliability of manual transmissions in the work of urban PAZ buses on routes with gradients. In order to generate samples proposed encoding failure of transmissions, which was used to calculate experimental analysis of the causes of failures. Received the statistical model of the distribution laws of the failures PAZ of buses. The gearbox PAZ-32054 limiting parts — gears, in gearbox PAZ-4234 buses — gear and rear crankcases. Established that the main cause of reduced reliability buses gearboxes on routes with gradients is unsatisfactory condition of the gear oil at the moment of scheduled replacement. By the chemical analysis of samples transmission oil, set the values of the mass fraction and the size of particles in the operation of buses on routes with gradients. After approximation of the experimental values obtained dependence of the concentration and size of particles from the mileage on the route with gradients. The proposed mathematical model allows to determine the wear of the gears of first transmission of urban buses manual gearbox operating on routes with gradients. Calculated optimal periodicity of replacement of gearbox oil by method of determination the optimal frequency for acceptable levels of reliability. In order to reduce the content of the residue of spent oil in crankcases at oil replacement and running products after repairs are encouraged to run the gearbox followed by rinsing for routes with gradients. Proposed activities in complex allowed to reduce the content of impurities in the transmission oil, as a result, the number of failures decreased by 46 %.Key words: failure, transmission, route gradients, gear oil, impurities, depreciation, maintenance.


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About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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