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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Kalimullin R. F. ENSURING DURABILITY OF ENGINES OF VEHICLES WITH AN OPERATIONAL METHODIn article the new operational method of ensuring durability of engines of vehicles is described. The method consists in their primary operation on such optimum low wearout the load and high-speed modes at which intensity of the destroying processes of bearings of a cranked shaft and details of piston-cylinder group is minimum. Realization of such operational method of ensuring durability of automobile engines became possible on the basis of development of methods of research of the generalized regularities of wear resistance of bearings of a cranked shaft and heat resistance of tsilindro-piston group depending on parameters of operating modes at the movement of the vehicle. The technique and results of determination of optimum speeds of the movement of the vehicle (on the example of the NEFAZ-5299-08 bus) by the developed generalized criterion of durability of bearings of a cranked shaft and piston-cylinder group of the engine is presented. Novelty are techniques and results of researches of regularities of lubricant process in bearings of a cranked shaft and their wear resistance in the "specific integrated wear resistance" parameter. It is defined that the actual speed of the bus in the conditions of the city and country movement corresponds optimum on all transfers only to 17-20% of cases. It is caused by that the actual speed is overestimated on all transfers of rather optimum speeds. Therefore there is a reserve of increase of durability due to primary operation of engines of vehicles in the optimum modes. Calculations showed that at the movement of the bus at optimum speeds the percent of increase in the generalized criterion of durability averages 33,8 %. The practical importance of the provisions described in article is their use in the motor transportation enterprises when training drivers in optimum ways of low wearout operation of engines of buses and cars on auto machines simulators.Key words: bearings of a cranked shaft, piston-cylinder group, engine, movement speed, durability.


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About this article

Author: Kalimullin R.F.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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