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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Zadorozhnaya E.A., Ovodov P.V. DIAGNOSIS OF FRICTION UNITS OF HEAT ENGINE ACCORDING TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE LUBRICANTIn this paper, the problem of diagnosing the state of the heat engine and troubleshooting its units at an early stage, without decommissioning of friction units is considered. The control and diagnostics of the engine is one of the conditions for reliable and safe its operation, because the lubricant loses its original properties when operating a vehicle under the influence of various factors. The particular attention is paid to possible methods of diagnosis. The authors adhere to the concept that the benefits of a diagnostic analysis of the state of the lubricant are to save material and labor resources, to reduce downtime due to engine faults, to increase engine life, to reduce maintenance costs, to reduce costs of spare parts, as well as to reduce the consumption of fuel and oil. The authors proposed a methodology for conducting of studies using modern diagnostic equipment. The technology of sampling and sample preparation is described in the article. The authors propose to use three basic methods: the particle size distribution method, the infrared spectroscopy, the method of ferrography. The diagnostic of friction units of heat engines was made on the basis of the study of trends in the wear particles in the engine oil, IR spectra and ferrogramm of motor oil Castrol EDGE Professional 0W-30 during its use in engines and B5254T B6324S, which are used on cars Volvo. The results showed that the use of the methodology will allow to adjust the drain intervals of oil, to prevent the failure of the vital parts of the engine, to monitor engine wear and maintenance to ensure trouble-free operation of the engine throughout its entire life.Key words: ferrography, infrared spectroscopy, motor oil, particle size distribution method.


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About this article

Author: Zadorozhnaya E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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