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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Eliseev M.E., Tomchinskaya T.N., Repnikov A.A., Blinov A.S. INTERACTIVE MAP OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY OF A LARGE CITYThis paper presents the results of research aimed at improving road safety. The design of the information system allows us to select and analyze areas of road infrastructure with high accident rates, and also to realize feedback from subjects of the road process was viewed. In this paper, the author's research, that was started in previous publications, was continued. The main idea is to use GIS technologies and dynamic SQL-queries to analyze a database of traffic accidents. Implementation of feedback with subjects of the road process by using the three-dimensional modeling was considered in detail. Models of accidents are attached to the interactive safety map, to its online subsystem. This method allows the best way to describe the real situation on the road, objects of traffic and their mutual arrangement. For visualization of the urban environment, the method of low-poly modeling was used. Provided examples of models are implemented in the Autodesk Maya environment. The advantage of this approach is the high information possibility of analysis on a one model series of road and transport situations, with the possibility of modifying the virtual road infrastructure to verify different hypotheses. In our view, the use of three-dimensional modeling is one of the main stages of the development of an interactive safety map of roads. We are planning to use this complex program for management decisions, relating to the modification of road infrastructure areas with high accident rates, for training in driving schools and for informing road users. The latter possibility has already been implemented on a web-site which is currently in beta testing.Key words: accident, traffic collision, TRC, traffic accident, road accident, TRA, GIS, Geographic Information System, virtual model, an interactive map.


1. Eliseev M.E. About the interactive map of road accidents of a large city / M.E. Eliseev, A.A. Repnikov, T.N. Tomchinskaya, A.D. Philinskih // "Collection of scientific works Sworld". — 2011. — T. 3. — № 4. — p. 40-45.

2. Eliseev M.E. Analysis of road accidents subsystem of the interactive map of accidents / M.E. Eliseev, D.M. Pronin, A.A. Repnikov, M.E. Sangalova, Т T.N. Tomchinskaya // "Transactions of NIZHNI NOVGOROD STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY n. a. R.Y. Alexeev". — 2012. — № 4 (97). — p. 358-362.

3. Eliseev M.E. About the classification of road accidents / M.E. Eliseev, M.E. Sangalova // "Transactions of NIZHNI NOVGOROD STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY n. a. R.Y. Alexeev". — 2013. — № 4 (101). — p. 320-326.

4. Eliseev M.E. About the statistical analysis of road accidents / M.E. Eliseev // "Road transport enterprise". — 2012. — № 4. — p. 37-38.

About this article


Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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