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2013, № 9 (158)

Badawi M.S., Nafee S.S., Diab S.M., El-Khatib A.M., El-Mallah E.A. CALCULATE THE EFFICIENCY OF GAMMA-RAY DETECTORS FOR INVERTED WELL BEAKER SOURCES USING AN ANALYTICAL EFFICIENCY TRANSFER PRINCIPLE Different sources efficiency measurements and the construction of the corresponding calibration curve are usually carried out in gamma-ray spectrometry to calculate the unknown activity for different sources in the same geometry or in order to facilitate the efficiency computation of different source geometries by the use of the efficiency transfer method. In this work, the Full Energy Peak Efficiency value (FEPE) of HPGe detector has been calculated using axial inverted well beaker sources of different dimensions by an analytical approach of effective solid angle ratio. Calculation taking into account the source self attenuation effect, this approach is based on the direct mathematical method. In the experiments gamma aqueous sources containing 152Eu radionuclide's covering the energy range from 121 to 1408 keV were used. By comparison, the theoretical and experimental full-energy peak efficiency values are in good agreement.Key words: HPGe detector, Full Energy Peak Efficiency (FEPE), Efficiency Transfer.


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About this article

Authors: Badawi M.S., Nafee S.S., Diab S.M., El-Khatib A.M., El-Mallah E.A.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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