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2012, № 3 (139)

Zuev V. I. LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY AS FUNCTION OF A LAWFUL STATE AND ITS VALUE IN THE PREVENTION OF OFFENSES AND STRUGGLE AGAINST CRIMINALITYIn article formation questions in our country of a lawful state and characteristic features peculiar to it, including functions of the law enforcement bodies which are carrying out the given kind of activity are investigated.Key words: a lawful state, law-enforcement activity, law enforcement body, functions of law enforcement bodies, preventive activity of law enforcement bodies.


1. The constitution of the Russian Federation: офиц. The text taking into account the amendments brought by Laws of the Russian Federation about amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation from December, 30th 2008 № 6-FZ and from December, 30th 2008 № 7-FZ//Russian newspaper. — 1993. — on December, 25th. — № 237; 2009. — on January, 21st. — № 7.

2. Nersesjants V. S. A socialist lawful state: the concept and development ways. — М, 1990. — 231 with.

3. Morozova L.A. Theor of the state and the rights: the textbook. — М: Юристъ, 2005. — 414 with.

4. Gutsenko K.F., Kovalyov M. A. Law enforcement bodies: the textbook for legal high schools and faculties. The edition 9 processed and added / under the editorship of K.F.Gutsenko. — М: ИКД Zertsalo Th, 2010. — 440 with.

5. Krylova N.E., Serebrennikov A.V.criminal law of modern foreign countries (England, the USA, France, Germany): the manual. — М/, 1998. — 426 with.

6. Law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation: the textbook / under the editorship of V.P.Bozheva. — М: higher education, 2007. — 335 with.

7. About increase of a role of courts in performance of requirements of the law directed on revealing of circumstances, crimes promoting fulfillment and other offenses: the decision of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from February, 6th, 2007 № 7//the Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. — 2007. — № 3. — with. 23-25.

8. About police: the federal law from February, 7th, 2011 № 3-FZ//СЗ the Russian Federation. — 2011. — № 7. — item 900.

9. About public associations: the federal law from May, 19th, 1995 № 82-FZ with changes from July, 22nd, 2010 № 164-FZ//СЗ the Russian Federation. — 1995. — № 21. — item 1930; the Russian newspaper. — 2010. — on July, 26th. — № 163.

10. Law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation: the textbook / under the editorship of V.P.Bozheva. — М, 1996. — 328 with.

About this article

Author: Zuev V.I.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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