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2011, № 7

Voropayeva J.P. THE PROBLEM OF ETHICS NONVIOLENCE IN CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION The article deals with topical issues of ethics of nonviolence in the context of globalization. Revealed that human dignity as the main condition for the idea of nonviolence is a perspective of human development in the context of the flow of global processes. On this basis, concludes that moral relations are not necessary and fundamental in the new historical conditions. Key words: human dignity, nonviolence, globalization.


1. Utkin A.I., Globalization / Global Studies: International multidisciplinary encyclopedia / Ch. Ed.: II Mazur, AN Chumakov. — Moscow — St. Petersburg. — N.-Y.: IC "Elim," ID "Peter", 2006. — 615 sec.

2. Nonviolent movement and the philosophy of nonviolence: state, problems and prospects (materials of the round table ") / / Problems of Philosophy 1992 №8. — 3-29 pp.

3. Ogyrtsov A.P., Dilemmas of Non-Violence: Problems of Philosophy 1992 №8. — 3-8 pp.

4. Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary, Ed. RG Apresian and AA Huseynov. — M.: Gardariki, 2001 — 671 sec.

5. Guseinov A.A., Nonviolence / New Philosophical Encyclopedia: The 4 tons / Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Nat. Common-nat. Fund; Scientific Ed. Board: Chairman. VS Stepin. — Moscow: Mysl, 2001. — T. III. — 692 sec.

6. Los V.A., In search of the categorical grounds globalistics / / Age of Globalization 2009 №2. — 17-29 sec.

7. Burrel, M.-R. "And God wept..." human dignity, progress, technology / / 6 / 91. — 42-49 pp.

8. Pulmen D., Human dignity, pain and suffering // Man 2001 №3. — 104-114 pp.

9. Kant I., Works in six volumes / Gen. Ed. VF Asmus, A. Gulygi, TI Oyzermana. T. 4. Part 2. — Moscow: Mysl, 1965. — 611 sec.

10. Guseinov A.A., Act of violence and the law of love (a theoretical commentary on the treatise of the same name of Leo Tolstoy) / / Man. Science. Civilization: the 70 th anniversary of Academician VS Stepin. Moscow: Kanon +, 2004 — 722-737 pp. 99

11. Gandhi M.K., My life. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. — 612 sec.

12. Hvostov V.M., Essay on the history of ethical teachings: Lectures. Ed. Third, the stereotype. MM: KomKniga, 2006. — 288.

13. Stepanyants M.T., Mahatma Gandhi: "The apostle of nonviolence" / / The Age of Globalization 2009 №1. — 155-162 pp. 99

14. Tolstoy L.N.,Act of violence and the law of love / The Complete Works of V.37. Playlists reprint. ed-Iya, "Terra" — "TERRA", Moscow, 1992. — 496.

15. Guseinov A.A., The concepts of violence and nonviolence / / Problems of Philosophy, 1994 №6. — 35-41 sec.

16. Global Studies: International multidisciplinary encyclopedia / Ch. Ed.: II Mazur, AN Chumakov. — Moscow — St. Petersburg. — N.-Y.: IC "Elim," ID "Peter", 2006. — 615 sec.

17. Dmitriev T.A., Alasdair MacIntyre: After Virtue ethics: History of Philosophy, Vol. 12. MM: IF RAN, 2005. — 89-121 cc.

About this article

Author: Voropaeva Yu.P.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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