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2010, № 4

Mozgunova E.M., Mukovoz P.P., Kozminykh V.O. SYNTHESIS AND PECULIARITIES OF STRUCTURE OF SODIUM ENOLATES AND ESTERS OF 2, 4, 6, 7, 9-PENTAOXODECANOIC ACIDS Sodium enolates and corresponding ethyl and methyl esters of 2, 6, 7-trihydroxy-4,9-dioxo-2,5,7-decatrienoic acids are got with ester condensation of Klizen. The features of the structure of synthesized polyketids with joined α-, β-dioxolinks are discussed in this article.Key words: ester condensation of Klizen, polyketids, α-, β-dioxolinks, ethers of pentaoxodecanoic acid.


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8. Koz’minykh V.O., Mykovoz P. P., Kirillova E.A., Scherbacov Y.V., Vinogradov A. N., Solov’eva E.A., Mozgunova E.M., Litvinova E.S., Sviridov A.P., Narbecov I.V., Gamburg T.V., Fedoseev S.A., Koz’minykh E.N. Metalla derivatives of p-p-elektronover polycarbonyl systems with pool together б- and в-dioxofragments. 2. Synthesis and formation sodium enoles of oxoderivatives 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds // Vestnik of OSU. Orenburg. 2009. No. 1 (95). pp. 128-140.

About this article

Authors: Kozminyh V.O., Mozgunova E.M., Mukovoz P.P.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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