Mustafin R.F., Habirov I.K., Sultanova R.R., Rayanov A.R. INFLUENCE OF A RELIEF ON STOCKS OF SNOW COVER AND MOISTURE ON FOREST SOILS [№ 6 ' 2017] The woods play a large role in water cycle, enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and support balance in the nature, and also the woods carry out the water preserving, protective, antierosion, sanitary and hygienic, improving, recreational functions. Studying of stocks of snow, their definition is to important components of life cycle of the wood. Researches of stocks of snow cover were conducted on the timberland of GU of the Ufa forest area which includes nine local forest areas: Demsky, Pokrovsk, Ufa, Chishminsky, Yumatovsky, New and Troitsk, Blagoveshchensk, Oryol, Blagovarsky statistical, mathematical calculation, and also analysis of references. During the researches snow-measuring shooting has been carried out and the obtained data are processed in geographic information systems. Observations of indicators of height of snow cover on the timberland are presented for 2015–2016 from October to April. Determined height, density and structure of snow cover. Proceeding from the obtained data, have defined the water-supply which is contained in snow cover, for each studied month. Then the summary table by results of field and cameral works has been made. Further, using GIS-technologies, digitization of the topographic map of the timberland and the nearby territory is made, then results of researches are caused on her.
Sultanova A.Sh. THE HISTORY OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF BASHKIR POETIC ONOMASTICS [№ 7 ' 2016] The article studies the history of the formation of poetic onomastics on the example of works by Bashkir writers.The importance of articles determined by the need to describe the system of proper names in the works by Mustai Karim. Onomastic lexicon is a kind of carrier extensive extra-linguistic information — historical, ethnographic, ethnic, religious character. It is also due to the growing interest in the lexical traditions as a whole against the background of treatment to national roots revival of native language and literature. In the scientific article the author reviews the scientific works of scientists, linguists, analyzed the history and status of the study of onomastics in the Bashkir language, disclosed the ideological content and the meaning of proper names in the work by M. Karim ‘On the night of a lunar eclipse’. The first attempted a comprehensive study of proper names in the product taking into account the historical, social, cultural attitudes, revealedspecifics of functioning onims in the works by Mustai Karim and their role in the creation of artistic images, as well as the reflection of the main stages in the development of the Bashkir language. The work contributes to the study of trends in the development of the system of the Bashkir language and features of poetic onomastics. The study showed that poetic onomasticsby Mustai Karim is a peculiar formation in the lexical structure of his dramatic works. It is formed under the influence of folklore tradition of names and Bashkir literature. In the works by Mustai Karim onomastic lexicon — one of the basic tools formation of the linguistic and poetic structure of the literary text and individual creative style of the playwright. To summarize, it must be emphasized that Mustai Karim made a huge contribution to the development of Bashkir onomastics.
Sultanova T.A. THE EDUCATIONAL SITUATION AS THE OBJECT OF FORECASTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL [№ 1 ' 2015] This article describes a generic object forecasting the development of the school as an innovative educational system. The educational situation is represented as an invariant of the educational system. Describes the temporal, spatial and functional characteristics of the educational situation. The situation of innovative development of the school presented from the perspective of the development of targeted, content, criteria and resource forecast profiles.
Sultanova T.A. NORMATIVE DETERMINANTS OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AS AN INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM [№ 11 ' 2014] The article considers the provisions of international and domestic law governing the development of modern educational organization. The analysis presented in the perspective of clarifying the directions of development of schools, the organization of its activities in the innovation regime; clarify the status of the subjects of innovative educational process. The emphasis is on increasing the independence of educational institutions in choosing a strategy of its own development.
Lyubimov I.I., Sultanov N.Z. THEORETICAL BASES OF IMPROVEMENT OF MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS FUNCTIONING [№ 10 ' 2014] In the article mathematical and methodical justification of increasing of efficiency of difficult motor transportation systems functioning on the basis of rational use of the available resources are given.
Sultanova T.A. ACTIVITIES FORECASTING OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION' HEAD [№ 2 ' 2013] In the article the importance of forecasting of HEI head is considered. The essence, main types of forecasting and principles of implementation of predictive activity of the head of educational institution are presented.
Lubimov I.I., Sultanov N.Z., Kovrikov E.T. MODEL OF ROAD NETWORK IN THE REGION (FOR EXAMPLE, ORENBURG REGION) [№ 10 ' 2011] The article is devoted to the development of a functional model of regional road network, carried out by the example of Orenburg region. Studies were conducted on the principle of passive experiment using methods of systems analysis. Structurally-hierarchical system diagram and a model of its functioning were proposed.
Pripadchev A.D., Sultanov N.Z. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF AIRCRAFT FLEET TRAFFIC WITHIN THE FRAME OF AIR COMMUNICATION [№ 9 ' 2009] The article covers separate multitudes of parameters making a part of the structure of a mathematic model of the process of air transport services rendered by civil aviation of the RF. According to the mathematic model structure they study the model of operating characteristics of air communication and operating parameters in detail.
[№ 10 ' 2008]
Sultanov N.Z., Parshin I.N. REVIEW OF PERSPECTIVE METHODS OF QUALITY INCREASE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF AERIAL-CHEMICAL WORKS [№ 2 ' 2008] The aim of this work is review of satellite navigation systems GPS and ГЛОНАСС, and also methods of air-boats position determination, which can be used for technological process automation of aerial-chemical works conducting. At the same time it is necessary to determine optimal method which will work with local coordinate system, not touching geographical coordinates and standard systems of aircrafts.
Sultanov N.Z. METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF MOTOR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS FUNCTIONING EFFECTIVENESS AND QUALITY INCREASE [№ 3 ' 2007] Methodological bases of effectives and quality increase of motor transport systems functioning based on rational using of existing resources are given in this article. These existing resources are the structure and park of motor transport systems of one typical motor transport enterprise. The complex of approaches combined with both as purposeful and organizational as economic systems of appraisals is realized in frames of this work. Worked out methodology of parameters optimization of transport particularized system is based on optimization of properties and types of business-functions satisfied optimal dimension and structure of motor transport enterprises’ park.
Sultanov N.Z., Khludeneva G.A. TO THE QUESTION OF INFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES USING AT TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF AERIAL-CHEMICAL WORKS [№ 2 ' 2007] At the present time it is practically impossible to get good harvest without conducting of aerial-chemical works. Values of its conducting are limited although it has been increased at the last years, but to fulfill all needs of agriculture is impossible, therefore the ways of development and perfection of aerial-chemical works are important tasks of contemporaneity. One of perspective ways of perfection of aerial-chemical works conducting, connected with introduction of modern information technologies is regarded in this article.
Dibikhin K.Yu. Sultanov N.Z. TEMPORARY PARAMETERS OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSES OF AIRCRAFT SPECIALIZED COMPLEX TECHNICAL PREPARATION [№ 10 ' 2006] The process of technological preparation is determined with readiness of aircraft specialized complex (ASC) and realized by him technological process to passing of aircraft-chemical works (ACW). The problem of ASC readiness increase can be solved with time optimization (reduction) of preparation measures realization.
Sultanov N.Z., Lyubimov I.I., Nyrov G.K. TO THE PROBLEM OF EFFECTIVENESS INCREASE OF MOTOR TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE FUNCTIONING WITH USING OF PROGRAM-PURPOSE PLANNING AND SELECTION OF RATIONAL PARK STRUCTURE [№ 10 ' 2006] At the present time the problem of effective functioning of motor transport enterprise is very important. The majority of motor transport enterprises are not possible to functioning in workmanlike manner at the present situation because of impetuous transfer of state development strategy from socialistic to capitalistic regime. Therefore the authors of this article tried to find ways of effectiveness increase of motor transport enterprise functioning at modern conditions.
Portnikov B.A., Sultanov N.Z. STRUCTURAL MODEL OF AIR ENTERPRISE AS AVIATION SPECIALIZED SYSTEM [№ 4 ' 2006] General principals of decomposition, optimization and program-purposeful planning in frame of air enterprise are formed in this article according to the analysis and theory of complex systems. The operational models system of base forming for plans, helicopters and light aircrafts on passenger, freight and agricultural air works, on special air works of aviation use in national economy, is worked out and models of subsystems providing are suggested here.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |