Shalamova О.О., Shalamov G.V. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF APPROACHES TO THE COMPETENCIES OF SPECIALISTS [№ 4 ' 2024] Professional activity is closely related to the presence and level of development of competencies, as well as the transition of professional education to a competency-based approach. The need to adapt all levels of education to focus on competencies, updating competencies for specific professions is associated with changes in the requirements of the labor market, the specifics of professions and other trends of the time. For students, as future specialists in their field, it is extremely necessary to develop competencies characteristic of the future profession, and in the context of rapidly changing realities, of course, regular updating of the list of professional competencies is required. The purpose of the study is to study the history of the emergence of and approaches to the concept of competencies. Our theoretical study was aimed at studying the questions – to what extent the concept of competencies is new and unfamiliar, what its essence echoes, what approaches to understanding competencies have been found in different authors, and so on, how long science has been talking about competencies and what guidelines were before in the field of professional activity. The study revealed that the issue of human abilities for specific professional activities was raised in Ancient Egypt. In the late 19th and mid20th centuries, these issues were actively studied using scientific methods, and professional selection appeared. In the second half of the 20th century, along with the concept of professionally important qualities, the concept of competence appeared, and for a long time they developed and were used in parallel. The development of humanity in the 21st century required changes, and competencies came to the fore at the state level and were included in regulatory documents on professional education. However, the concept and list of competencies are not static and undergo changes and clarifications. The labor market is very dynamic and dictates its own rules, progressive technologies change approaches to many professions – all this obliges us to revise the list of competencies of future professionals to ensure their relevance in this changing world.
Shalamova О.О., Kotlyarova T.S., Shalamov G.V. FACTORS OF CHOOSING A PROFESSION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PLANNING TO ENROLL IN UNIVERSITIES OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS [№ 1 ' 2024] The study is devoted to the study of the factors of career choice by graduates of secondary educational institutions planning to enroll in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that professional activity, job satisfaction strongly affects the life of any person as a whole. The scientific specificity of the problem consists in the need for constant updating of data in connection with the rapid dynamism of the surrounding reality, the constant change in the list of demanded professions, the motives prevailing among future applicants. The results quickly become outdated, require updating, and regular career guidance work with high school students is also necessary. The conducted research shows that only a part of potential students of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed awareness and planned their personal, psychological, physical, and intellectual development in the context of their future profession. The study involved eleventh-graders from Omsk schools who plan to enroll in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The study revealed the factors that schoolchildren are focused on when choosing a profession, as well as the subjects' ideas about their personal positive qualities and qualities that, in their opinion, should be among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The leading motive for admission was the possibility of self-realization, as well as the proximity of the location from home and the advice of parents, relatives, acquaintances. The assumption that the dynastic nature of the profession and romantic ideas about the profession may be significant has not been confirmed. These factors are present, but they do not occupy a leading position. The study conducted a content analysis of the subjects' ideas about their personal positive qualities and qualities that, in their opinion, should be among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Honesty has become the most popular quality, both among the positive qualities of high school students and among the qualities, according to the study participants, important for employees of internal affairs bodies. The results of the study are of practical importance for career guidance specialists in schools and vocational educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |