Baklykov A.A., Pushkov S.G. FUZZY LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEM AS A SYSTEM OVER SEMIRINGS [№ 4 ' 2012] We study the problem of describing the dynamics of the process with some degree of uncertainty. The concept of linear dynamical systems over a semiring is introduced, and a number of its properties is described. Fuzzy set is represented as a semimodule over the semiring of real numbers from the interval [0,1]. We study the possibility of such a representation for the theory of fuzzy linear dynamical systems.
Pushkov S.G., Gorelik A.A. THE USE OF METHODS OF INTERVAL ANALYSIS FOR ENUMERATING THE DIMENSIONALITY OF THE FINITE-DIMENSIONAL REALIZATION OF LINEAR DYNAMIC SYSTEM [№ 9 ' 2010] The article examined the task of constructing the model in the state space on the basis of the data about the behavior the input-output of linear stationary dynamic system with the discrete time. The authors investigated the problem of obtaining the numerical algorithms of the calculation of finite-dimensional realization in the state space of mapping input-output, represented by the pulse sequence of matrices. They proposed the method of enumerating the dimensionality of this realization, based on the use of interval analysis.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |