Pavlova A.V. STATIVE INTERPRETATION OF THE WORLD AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLD: METHODOLOGICAL BASIS [№ 7 ' 2017] Generally the term “interpretation” is understood as a universal human ability, which, on the one hand, distinguishes a man from natural world, and, on the other hand, influences the development of cognition and its linguistic part mostly. Under the Cognitive Linguistics framework our definition of interpretation is based on the Theory of interpretation worked out by N.N. Boldyrev and consisted in understanding interpretation as linguistic cognitive activity. Its results lead both to forming individual conceptual system (primary interpretation of the world) and construing the reality according to the system of man’s understanding the world and his individual preferences (secondary interpretation of knowledge about the world). From this point of view, primary interpretation of the world in a form of a state is defined as stative interpretation of the world, it leads to forming different stative concepts. Thus, the term “stative interpretation” is methodologically proved, its scientific value is revealed, the necessity of presenting it as a separate object of research as a type of interpretation is demonstrated. State cognitive matrix, which lies in the basis of stative interpretation of the world, stands for a cognitive schema of linguistic interpretation of knowledge about the world in the form of a state. State cognitive schema is formed by “the subject of nonreferential activity” and “stability” (unchangeability during some period of time). State cognitive schema on the linguistic level is represented by verbal existential and possessive correlations, which structure stative interpretative function of linguistic cognition. The object of secondary interpretation of knowledge about the world, i.e. stative interpretation of knowledge about the world, is already verbalized data about the objects and entities of reality, which are fixed in collective linguistic cognition. The result of stative interpretation of knowledge about the world is new, individually perceived, subjectively verbalized states of the world, often of evaluative character.
Kostryukov A.V., Pavlov S.I., Semagina Y.V. GEOMETRO-GRAPHIC LANGUAGE, AS A MEANS OF CREATING COMMUNICATIVE TECHNICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS-BACHELORS [№ 4 ' 2017] The urgent request of the industry for the qualified engineering personnel has led to the need for a critical analysis of current system of their training. The ongoing education reform, including the university education, resulted in losing prestige the educational ranking of was lost. The transition to a multi-stage higher education has led to the need of restructuring the whole system of the higher school, its adaptation to the new conditions. This is not a simple process, and as applied to engineering disciplines it is exacerbated by the flawed restructuring of the secondary school. The authors attempt to critically evaluate the current situation and identify possible ways of adjusting training methods for undergraduate students of technical specialities. It is revealed that the most important for engineering training are the disciplines of geometric-graphic cycle. The article presents that the training of creative specialists is impossible without the development of their geometric and graphic communicative culture with the help of the geometric-graphic language and its terminology. The process of forming a geometric-graphic knowledge, abilities and skills, as the components of communicative technical culture of professionals who have special technical and semantic relations is based on the development of students's geometric-graphic thesaurus. Students develop it in the phased multi-faceted study of the geometric-graphic discipline. The formation of the communicative technical culture of engineering students-bachelors is only possible through the activation techniques for mastering practical skills of geometric-graphical language. The design of didactic materials focused on the development of students' self-organized and creative academic activities and educators' ability to stimulate students' motivated and active participation in the study process will contribute to this goal. It is also important to organize a pre-University geometric-graphic training. It will aim at filling gaps in geometric and graphic knowledge that students get or miss to get in high schools.
Pavlova A.V. STATE IN THE CONCEPTUAL SPACE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE [№ 1 ' 2017] The article is devoted to revealing the role of STATE as a knowledge structure in the conceptual space of modern English language. State senses having got nominative or discursive verbalization are the material of our research. As a result of conceptual-definitional analysis of lexemes state and condition we define the integral conceptual characteristic of concept STATE — “stativity”, which being related to the objects of certain conceptual domains (MAN, NATURE, SOCIETY, SYSTEM), provide construing of the necessary state sense. Such structure is defined as cognitive matrix, it means the system interrelated cognitive contexts. The analysis of linguistic unites, taken with the method of continuous sampling from the British national corpus (BNC) and the Corpus of contemporary American English (COCA), gives us the opportunity to prove the fundamental and all-permeating nature of the knowledge structure under research. Functional openness of STATE concept, its structural and semantic relatedness with conceptual domain, inference as a result of secondary representation of knowledge about the world prove modus (interpretative) character of STATE. In language there are a lot of different ways of representation of stative senses and all of them are united in the category of linguistic stativity. To analyze it we argue to use Prototype theory and the method of prototypes (Rosch et al.) and describe the nuclear zone, the zone of close and far periphery. As central criteria of defining nuclear-periphery character of language units of stativity we can suggest the following: 1) antecedence of realization of stative function; 2) predicativity; 3) semantic relatedness with conceptual domain.
Chekmareva O.V., Garitskaya M.Y., Pavlova T.V. ECOTOXICOLOGICAL PROFILES OF SOIL QUALITY IN THE ZONE INFLUECE AKTOBE FERROALLOY PLANT [№ 10 ' 2015] The modern enterprise is a complex metallurgical industrial complex, including a variety of shops, and sometimes individual plants, which greatly degrade the environment. All the known processes, metal production and subsequent redistribution accompanied by the formation of large amounts of waste in the form of harmful gases and dust, slag, sludge, sewage water, containing various chemical components of the scrap, slag, battlefield refractory debris and other emissions that pollute the atmosphere, water, and earth surface. The main activity ofthe Aktobeferroalloys plant(AFP) — production offerro-alloysof different grades. It producesferrochrome,ferroselikohrom, chromium metal, as well asadditional products: lime,carbon dioxide, sodium silicate, calcium carbide,refractory products, rubble, ferropyl, ilmenite concentrate, rutile-zirconproduct.Are minedilmeniteis buildinga factoryto producezirconand rutile.
Pavlovian E.E. DESIGN AS A SPATIAL BRANDING TOOL [№ 5 ' 2014] Presents an analysis of the concept of "territorial branding" from the standpoint of design activity, identified promising areas of development work in this area, consider examples of student work, aimed at establishing communication platforms forming price-rity field of regional branding strategies.
Gazheeva T. P, Drobot G. P., Trubacheva V. S., Pavlova E. K. THE DYNAMICS OF THE SIZE AND COMPOSITION MICROORGANISMS IN THE RHIZOSPHERE OF SOME CEREALS DURING THEIR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT [№ 10 ' 2013] The comparative analysis of natural resistance of Numida of domestic species Volga white, of coloured population, speckled, blue and of French selected species Esser is carried out. The differences in the rates of nonspecific maintenance in analysed species of Volga white and French selected species Esser are revealed.
Zolotarev A.V., Pаvlova O.V., Karlova E.V., Ilina N.V., Skvortsova S.V. TO THE MECHANISM OF ACCOMMODATIVE ANSWER OF PSEUDOPHAKIA EYES [№ 4 ' 2013] The relationship of hydrodynamic processes with accommodation is becoming more evidence in the works of various authors. At present relationship of postoperative astigmatism with value of phacoemulsification hypotensive effect were not found. Analysis of the data showed that in astigmatism presence of in the range of 1.5 to 1.75 diopters "defocusing curve" is much lower and wider, reflecting the increase in the depth of field of optical system of the eye. The degree of reduction of intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification depends on the extent of the resulting astigmatism surgery.
Pavlova O.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TONOMETRIC DATA AND REFRACTIVE RESULTS AT PATIENTS AFTER PHACOEMULSIFICATION [№ 12 ' 2012] There were analyzed and studied changes in IOP and refraction after cataract phacoemulsification. It was revealed that hypotensive effect of phacoemulsification was explained by true ophthalmotonus reduction.
Pavlova A.V. VALEUR CHARACTERISTICS OF PREDICATES OF STATE IN THE ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES [№ 11 ' 2012] This research aims to reveal valeur characteristics of predicates of state in the English and Russian languages. Selection criteria of predicates which are characterized by language valeur are dictionary marks. Temporal, style, territory and emotive valeur are defined according to L.M. Vasilyev typology. The analysis of valeur characteristics shows that the correlation of marked (possessing valeur) and unmarked predicates forms an equal proportion 1:2 both for the Russian and the English languages.
Pavlova A.V. WORD-FORMATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEMANTIC PREDICATES MEANING THE STATE OF BEING ILL IN THE ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES [№ 11 ' 2011] This research aims to compare word-formative models of predicates meaning the state of being ill in the English and Russian languages with the help of word-formative analysis.
Pavlovich P.O. ANTHROPOLOGICAL PARADIGM OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY IN PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEM OF THOMAS HOBBES [№ 7 ' 2011] Meaning of national security is actualized in the process of nation building. That's it, from the poin of view of Thomas Hobbes, is the root cause of the state. In this regard, relationship between a person and the state at realization of the principles of national security in the system of state reflection are interested in.
Pavlova Yu.V. PECULIARITIES OF REGIONAL TRADEMARKS APPRAISAL WITH PROFITABLE APPROACH [№ 8 ' 2008] Peculiarities of cost appraisal of regional trademarks with profitable approach are regarded in this article. General lacks of methods of profit determination from using of trademarks at forming of cash flow are shown here. The author suggests the method of cost bonus determination for calculation of cash flow generated with trademark on the base of demand elasticity on marked goods at cost.
Pavlov M.A. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF INTERIOR [№ 11 ' 2007] In this article interior, as organized life area is interpreted not in traditional architectural-spatial meaning but in wide social which need to distinguish and to regard base social functions in it, and also principals, leaded in the base of design activity.
Pavlova N.S. PHILOSOPHICAL-SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL BASES OF THE SAFETY IN SCIENCE HISTORY PROBLEM FORMATION [№ 7 ' 2007] Different aspects of safety problem are analyzed in this work, also different determinations of its essence and workings of policy realization of safety guaranteeing strategy are given here. Ambiguity of philosophical and sociological positions at the approach to the problem of safety is revealed. It is possible to say, that safety and its understanding are connected and determined with world outlook purposes at world explanation, its origin and development.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |