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January 2017, № 1 (201)

Pavlova A.V. STATE IN THE CONCEPTUAL SPACE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGEThe article is devoted to revealing the role of STATE as a knowledge structure in the conceptual space of modern English language. State senses having got nominative or discursive verbalization are the material of our research. As a result of conceptual-definitional analysis of lexemes state and condition we define the integral conceptual characteristic of concept STATE — “stativity”, which being related to the objects of certain conceptual domains (MAN, NATURE, SOCIETY, SYSTEM), provide construing of the necessary state sense. Such structure is defined as cognitive matrix, it means the system interrelated cognitive contexts. The analysis of linguistic unites, taken with the method of continuous sampling from the British national corpus (BNC) and the Corpus of contemporary American English (COCA), gives us the opportunity to prove the fundamental and all-permeating nature of the knowledge structure under research. Functional openness of STATE concept, its structural and semantic relatedness with conceptual domain, inference as a result of secondary representation of knowledge about the world prove modus (interpretative) character of STATE. In language there are a lot of different ways of representation of stative senses and all of them are united in the category of linguistic stativity. To analyze it we argue to use Prototype theory and the method of prototypes (Rosch et al.) and describe the nuclear zone, the zone of close and far periphery. As central criteria of defining nuclear-periphery character of language units of stativity we can suggest the following: 1) antecedence of realization of stative function; 2) predicativity; 3) semantic relatedness with conceptual domain.Key words: state, form of linguistic cognition, conceptualization, interpretation, linguistic stativity.


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About this article

Author: Pavlova A.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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