Kiselev V.A. Palnichenko S.A. FEATURES OF THE SOCIAL POLICY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AT THE PRESENT STAGE [№ 13 ' 2012] In modern conditions the relevance of education as a social and educational sectors, including the interaction of the state, participants in the educational process and the society, due to the needs of society, new demands on the qualitative characteristics of the employee and a citizen, which is reflected in the educational policy of Russia. In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation from 07.02.2011 №61 "On the federal program of education development for 2011–2015". Proposed orientation of education not only for studying the development of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the individual child's cognitive and creative abilities.
Palnichenko S.A. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS FOR CHILDREN EXTRA-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE REFORM OF PUBLIC SECTOR [№ 13 ' 2012] The need to improve the management of the financial mechanism of the additional non-school institutions for children education in Russia is due to budgetary reform, a key focus of which is to improve the delivery of public (municipal) services. The importance of increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditure has been repeatedly emphasized in the budget message of the President of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions the relevance of child additional extracurricular activities including needs of society, placing new demands on quality characteristics of the employee and citizen.
Baltina A.M., Palnichenko S.A. THEORETICAL BASIS OF METHODS OF FINANCIAL STANDARD CALCULATION ON SERVICES OF ADDITIONAL CHILDREN EDUCATION [№ 8 ' 2009] The necessity of calculation of common finacial standard taking into consideration principals lying in the base of authorities differentiation in the sphere of additional children education is proved in this article, also it is suggested in the structure of standard distinguishing two groups of expenses – connected with organization of studying process and support of institution.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |