V.V. Lipilina J-SPACES ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATION ISSUES [№ 2 ' 2005] Target setting of the class structure (real and imaginary) study is the topic of the article. These structures are modeled by the formalized language means, J-spaces in particular, which are penetrated by many-dimensional vector spaces. This task solution coincides with the topic of the research work held by algebra and geometry chair: "Algebraic structures in mathematic modeling".
V.V.Lipilina SEARCHES OF BEAUTY AND APPLIED TASKS OF MATHEMATICS IN ART [№ 2 ' 2002] A given article is a part of the problem of humanization of mathematical education of the students in the University. It reveals some general aspects of the researched problem. Particularly it gives analysis of one of the most important tasks of mathematics teaching-philosophical understanding of science, development of the real mathematical and culture common to all mankind is solved with the help of world's art elements using, aesthetic stimulus.
V. V. Lipilina STOCHASTIC INTEGRALS [№ 2 ' 2001] It is necessary to learn in detail some problems that are connected with stochastic integrals and integral equations describing diffusions processes white learning the theory of accidental processes. The best example of this problem is reflected in the K-Ito`s book, and in Henry Makkin`s book. The last one gave the base for this article. While working on such topic the author was guided by the following considerations: it was necessary to analyse in detail the ideas, taken in consideration by H.Makkin; to prove some facts, that are given in the book without demonstration.
V.V. Lipilina SOME PROPERTIES OF ABLE-GONCHAROV'B TYPE MULTINOMINALS [№ 2 ' 2000] The problem of the article deals with the important section of the analytical function theory, namely with the interpolation problems. In this field one applies polynoms of Abel-Goncharov, i.e. the apparatus worked out by V.Z. Goncharov in the thirties. The main properties of multnominals were studied in the works of Pomje (1968), Buchgoez (1970), Shaff (1972). The author of the article considers the correctness of analogue properties of multinominals for a fixed arbitrary y, 0<Y
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |