Kriskovets T.N., Saitbaeva E.R., Kirillova E.S. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHENOMENON «POLITICAL IDENTITY OF A STUDENT» [№ 4 ' 2024] Characteristics of the phenomenon of student identity are influenced by the social situation at the current moment of society development. Significant changes currently occurring in the classical concept of the «national state» determine the consideration of identity as a significant parameter uniting groups of people. The potential of social interaction in the field of identity formation is determined by the fact that a person determines his or her personal stable internal position. In this regard, the study of the phenomenon of «political identity» is becoming increasingly important. The analysis of a number of pedagogical studies made it possible to determine the essence of the concept of «identity», classify types of identity and consider the main characteristics of the concepts of «political identity», «civil identity», «state identity», «national identity» and «ethnic identity». A comparative analysis of the phenomena revealed distinctive features of political identity, its inherent properties, the specifics of its manifestation at the individual and social levels. A definition of political identity is given, which emphasizes the stability of this phenomenon and its determinacy by historical events in the country, a community of views on its future. This concept of political identity differs from other types of identity due to the allocation of political relationships and the political sphere of application. Political identity is characterized by a common experience of statehood, an assessment of the common past, a perception of key historical events, a common responsibility for the future of the state, a single set of values for a given society. The potential for the formation of political identity in cadets of higher military educational institutions lies in the development of the ability of students to protect the national and cultural values of the state along with the ability to ensure the protection of citizens, state territories and resources.
Nevolina V.V., Kriskovets T.N., Kuznetsov В.В., Bakaev A.A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE READINESS OF FUTURE ENGINEERS FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES [№ 4 ' 2022] In the modern conditions of the development of the education system in the country, fundamentally new requirements are being put forward for the goals, content and management of the education system. The training of highly qualified specialists capable of effectively solving the tasks of developing not only professional activity, but also science is possible only with the close relationship of the educational process with research activities. Innovations of the fourth-generation FGOS include the individualization of educational trajectories, including at the request of enterprises in those regions where there is a shortage of engineering personnel, as well as updating the standard, taking into account the priorities of scientific and technological development of the country. In this regard, the issue of high-quality training of engineering personnel who would be capable of creating new technologies necessary for society becomes urgent. One of the effective ways of forming exercising their control is the research activities of students. We conducted an experimental study to identify the effectiveness of the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of managing the research activities of future engineers at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Orenburg State University. The following organizational and pedagogical conditions were tested: enriching the content of engineering disciplines with research contexts; using design technologies as a means of developing students’ research potential; implementation of student-teacher networking based on information and virtual support in the form of a web resource. The results of the study showed that under the influence of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions, there is a positive trend in indicators that determine the readiness of future engineers for research activities. Successful testing of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational process shows a real opportunity to increase the effectiveness of scientific activity of university students in order to improve higher professional education.
Saitbaeva E.R., Kriskovets T.N., Sidorova V.O. MODEL FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION [№ 3 ' 2021] Modern updates of Russian preschool education (its conceptual foundations, targets, content and technologies, quality assessment, management, financing, informatization) require changes in the thinking and style of activity of leaders in relation to the management of the preschool education quality assessment system in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool education. For this, in a preschool educational organization, appropriate conditions must be created, by which in the theory and practice of management are meant resources (regulatory, motivational, personnel, information, scientific and methodological, financial, material and technical) and methods of their use. However, in the scientific and methodological literature there is no description of the experience of designing a model for improving the system for assessing the quality of preschool education in a preschool educational institution. The authors of the article made an attempt to create a similar model. For this, the concept of “quality of preschool education” has been clarified as a complex category that includes the quality of the main educational program, the conditions for its implementation and the results of mastering the educational program. The parameters of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of preschool education are highlighted, namely: the actual state of the educational program, conditions and results achieved and their compliance with the standard and consumer requirements. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the system of assessing the quality of preschool education have been identified: development of local documents regulating the system for assessing the quality of preschool education in a preschool educational institution; creation of a motivational resource aimed at supporting teachers who improve the system for assessing the quality of preschool education; organization of professional retraining and advanced training of teaching and management personnel; creation of a humanitarian information and educational environment. These conditions were tested in the course of experimental work in the municipal preschool educational autonomous institution “Kindergarten No. 116” in Orenburg. The result of approbation of the model was the mastering by teachers of knowledge about the features of the new system for assessing the quality of preschool education, criteria and indicators of quality assessment; mastering modern technologies for assessing the quality of preschool education; increasing motivation and professional readiness for its implementation. As a result of the study, the assumption was confirmed about the positive influence of the developed model of improving the system for assessing the quality of preschool education on the development of professional competencies of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |