Kishkin Yu.I., Takhchidi N.Kh. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE Q-VALUE GUIDED FEMTOLASIK FEMTO-VISUM [№ 4 ' 2013] Q-value guided FemtoLASIK Femto-Visum is shown to be effective. The aberrations changed slightly after Q-value guided FemtoLASIK from conventional FemtoLASIK.
Mushkova I.A., Kishkin Yu.I., Takhchidi N.Kh. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OPHTHALMO-ERGONOMIC DATA AFTER FEMTOSECOND LASER-ASSISTED FEMTO-LASIK AND FEMTO-VISUM [№ 4 ' 2013] Comparative analysis ophthalmo-ergonomic data after femtosecond laser-assisted Femto-LASIK and FemtoVisum did not reveal differences. Contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions after both types of surgery recovered to preoperative values.Contrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions after both types of surgeries did not recover to preoperative values.
Kachalina G.F., Kishkin Yu.I., Maychuk N.V., Takhchidi N.Kh. OPTIMIZED APPROACH TO EXCIMERLASER CORRECTION OF MYOPIA [№ 12 ' 2012] There have been given the comparison of the results of the Q-value guided FemtoLASIK for myopia correction in different age groups with the MicroScan Visum.