Rustanov A.R., Kazakova O.N., Kharitonova S.V. THE AXIOM F-HOLOMORPHIC PLANES FOR NORMAL LCACS-MANIFOLDS [№ 4 ' 2015] Almost contact metric structures have a rich geometry, as well as numerous applications in various areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. Sufficiently important aspect of almost contact geometry is the study of almost contact manifolds satisfying the axiom Ф-holomorphic planes.
Rustanov A.R., Kharitonova S.V., Каzакоvа О.N. TWO CLASSES OF ALMOST C (λ)-MANIFOLDS [№ 3 ' 2015] Almost contact metric manifolds have a rich differential geometric structures. The paper deals with almost contact metric manifolds, which are almost c (λ)-manifolds. D. Janssen and L. Vanhecke began investigated of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The curvature tensor is crucial for almost c (λ)-manifolds and curvature identities satisfied by this tensor are very important for understanding the differential geometric properties of almost c (λ)-manifolds. The results obtained in this paper identities expressing additional symmetry properties of the Riemannian curvature tensor of almost c (λ)-manifolds, allow to solve an actual problem of classifying almost c (λ)-manifolds, namely, to distinguish the class CR1 and CR2-class almost c (λ)-manifolds. We obtain the following identities curvature almost manifold.
Kharitonova S.V. CURVATURE CONHARMONIC TENSOR OF NORMAL LOCALLY CONFORMAL ALMOST COSYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS [№ 12 ' 2013] We compute the components of the conharmonic curvature tensor of a normal locally conformally almost cosymplectic manifold (an lcACS-) structure. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a normal lcACS-manifold to coincide with the conharmonic plane are found. Allocated to the classes of almost contact structures on the properties of symmetry for tensor conharmonic curvature.
Kharitonova I.A. PROBLEM OF ORAL COMMUNICATION IN JURAL SPHERE [№ 2 ' 2013] In article the problem of speech communication rises in law students training, connected with deficiency of researches in this field. The author analyzes the definitions of the term "communication" meeting in various areas of knowledge.
Kharitonova N.G. INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT SUPPORTING INNOVATION IN THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY [№ 13 ' 2012] The article deals with the peculiarities of the support of innovative business that generates the big picture and the current climate for the development of innovative business in the Russian economy.
Ryabikov R.I., Ryabikova N.E., Kharitonovа N.G. THE PROBLEMS OF USING OF NEW FORMS OF COOPERATION IN INDUSTRIAL SPHERE [№ 8 ' 2012] The article is executed on an industrial theme as development of business of any level (small, average and large business) is caused by constant perfection of means of new approaches, forms and activity receptions.
Komarova, M.I., Kharitonova N.G. ROLE TECHNOPARKS IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMY [№ 13 ' 2011] The article describes the competitive advantages of industial park in the region, its functions and structural elements of the scheme to business development, system characteristic of inter-university research and education complex. The necessity of industrial park is reasonable as an instrument of providing of continuous stream of innovations in a regional economy.
Kharitonova N.G. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL AND CREDIT POLICY TO SUPPORT SMALL AND MIDDLE ENTERPRISES [№ 13 ' 2011] The article is devoted research of features of development of support of enterprise on the kinds of activity employment of population, changes of structure of financial streams witch form a general picture and folded climate for development of enterprise in the Orenburg area.
Haritonova E.N. ALDER THICKETS WOOD-DESTROYING FUNGI OF THE OLRENBURG REGION [№ 12 ' 2011] In paper the results of the investigations of wood-destroying macromycetes habiting alder wood (Alnus glutinosa, A.incana) at the territory of the Orenburg region is given. Alder thickets mycobiota includes 48 species representing 33 genuses, 17 families amd 10 orders. Links between local mycobiotas are analyzed. The rare species — Polyporus tuberaster, which is perspective to inclusion to regional Red book is marked.
Kharitonova N.G., Ryabikov R. FORMATION OF THE INFORMATION BASE OF THE ANALYSIS OF ENTERPRISE AS THE BASES OF THE STABILIZATION OF THE ECONOMY OF ORENBURG REGION [№ 8 ' 2011] The authors examined the problem of the development of regularities and special features of the formation of enterprise in Russia and regions, the theoretical and practical significance of the questions, connected with an increase in the effectiveness of owner's activity and the insufficient degree of its development.
Kharitonov G.V., Manucharov A.S., Pochatkova T.N., Tyugay Z. EFFECT OF SOLUBLE SALTS ON THE SURFACE PROPERTIES OF CLAY MINERALS [№ 4 ' 2011] Shown that the effect of soluble salts on the surface properties of clay minerals depends on the nature of the mineral properties of salt used and its state (in solution or adsorbed). Processing of clay minerals with solutions NaCl, MgCl2, Ca(CH3COO) 2 and ZnCl2 leads to an increase in their water-holding capacity according to the following series: NaCl > MgCl2 > Ca(CH3COO) 2 ≈ ZnCl2.
Kharitonova S.V. THE TENSOR OF TWISTING THE FIRST CANONICAL CONNECTEDNESS LOCALLY OF CONFORMALLY ALMOST COSIMPLECT VARIETIES [№ 9 ' 2010] This author calculated the components of the tensor of twisting the first canonical connectedness locally of conformally almost cosimplect (further lcACS-) varieties, studied the geometric sense of rotation into zero on the space of the connected G- structure of the components of the tensor of twisting the connectedness of such varieties.
Kharitonov O.P. STIMULATING COMPONENT OF REGIONAL TAXATION RELATIONS [№ 4 ' 2002] The article defines the part of taxation privileges in the process of economic relationship development both on the state and federal subject levels. It analyses the current mechanism of granting taxation preferences in Orenburg region.