Emelyanova O.Ya., Shershen I.V. STUDY OF EVERYDAY PRACTICES OF RUSSIAN YOUTH IN THE CONTEXT OF RESPONSE TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF MODERNITY [№ 4 ' 2024] The modern young generation lives in unprecedented conditions of total digitalization, radical socio-economic and political transformations, when previous generations, traditionally playing the role of mentors, are themselves less aware of effective ways to respond to the challenges of the era and have less mastery of digital tools than their children. Professional behavioral patterns that have proven themselves in relatively stable conditions turn out to be rigid during turbulence, and following them can rather cause harm. There are discussions around the truth of the values of spiritual and moral culture. Studying the everyday practices of young people on the threshold of adulthood allows us to consider in detail various aspects of their life, including ways of responding and adapting to the changing outside world, the chosen professional path, value-semantic attitudes. As part of the study, a diagnostic toolkit was developed, including standardized methods, an author’s questionnaire and interview questions. An analysis of the diagnostic results of a sample of students aged 17-22 years revealed characteristic features of the organization of daily activities, accents of the value-motivational sphere, uniqueness of time distribution (including screen time), the degree of satisfaction with life and the presence of anxiety, as well as the causes that provoke it. Understanding the constructive and destructive factors that influence the harmonious personal development of young people allows us to propose a methodology for managerial influence on everyday life. The management of everyday life space should be carried out by educational organizations as institutions that perform a priority educational function. Based on the results of a study of everyday practices on a sample of university students, a person-centered approach seems optimal in the training and education of young people of Generation Z.
Emelyanova A.A, Khristenko E.A. MOBILE METHOD OF ACOUSTIC ULTRASOUND MONITORING OF CHIROPTERAN'S FAUNA [№ 6 ' 2013] The counting of acoustic signals produced by bats in summer habitats has been carried out for the first time in Tver region along road transects. Echolocation signals, converted with an aid of bat-detector, were subsequently recorded for future deciphering of sonograms. The aforementioned method allowed to modify the bats' checklist of the region. It also helped to find out the relative number of each particular species along with their preferred habitats.
Emelyanova L.A., Bubchikova N.V. FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER'S PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS MODEL FOR STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION DEVELOPMENT [№ 2 ' 2013] The approach to solution of the problem of future primary school teacher's psychological readiness for students' learning motivation development is discussed in this article. The authors reveal the content of psychological readiness model, the essence of future primary school teacher's psychological readiness model for students' learning motivation, component parts of the model and its importance in professional formation of future teachers.
Emelianova I.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF THE FORMATION OF ONTO-GNOSIOLOGY RUSSIAN KOSMIZM [№ 7 ' 2012] Primary attention in the work the author concentrates on the problem of the formation of onto-gnosiology of Russian kosmizm. Are examined the numerous determinations of kosmizm as a whole and Russian kosmizm in particular. Article reveals the problem of classification Russian kosmizm.
Emelyanova M.A. CONCEPTION OF INTEGRATOR MATURITY DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHER [№ 12 ' 2004] Theoretical and methodological basis of problem "integrator maturity" research in social and pedagogical educational process, conceptual approach to determine of essence, content and structure of integrator maturity, specificity of social and pedagogical educational process which realizes conception of integrator maturity development, are regarded in this article.
Emel'yanova M.A. SUCCESSION IN STUDENTS' SPECIAL SKILL FORMING (SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT) [№ 7 ' 2002] The article considers the theoretical and methodological principles of succession of students special skill forming in pedagogical institute. Successive skill forming is revealed in the process of aims, contents, methods and organization forms realization with regard for the specific character of socio-pedagogical education.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |