Trufanova P.S., Edygeeva A.T., Kulish N.V. MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT AT UNDERGROUND GAS STORAGE FACILITIES OF THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY [№ 2 ' 2024] To assess and calculate the risk of accidents at an oil and gas enterprise, in particular at underground gas storage facilities, mathematical methods are used. The variety of mathematical methods leads to the problem of choosing the most convenient and practical method for calculating the risk of accidents by a specialist. In our study, the solution to the problem was achieved by analyzing quantitative methods based on mathematics and qualitative methods. The methods were selected in accordance with our chosen factors and evaluation criteria. The key factor when choosing methods for assessment was the versatility of the methods, namely the possibility of their application not only for underground gas storage facilities, but also for other facilities in the oil and gas industry, as well as for other industries. The authors of the study identified the accuracy of the method as another important factor when choosing methods when considering the influence of a system of factors on the object of an oil and gas enterprise. Also, when comparing methods, the factor of the presence of mathematical calculations in one or another qualitative and quantitative method for assessing the risk of accidents at an oil and gas industry facility was selected. To solve the problem, logical methods, compilation of a comparative table, analysis of the resulting comparative table, as well as a review of literature sources on the research topic were used. The most universal and multifunctional of these methods are the qualitative method of the systems approach and the quantitative method of a number of calculated indicators. |
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |