Dremina I.A., Dolinina I.G. TEACHERS PROFESSIONALISM ASSESSMENTIN THE PROCESS OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION CULTURE FORMATION [№ 3 ' 2020] In a dynamically changing world, there is undoubtedly a demand for a teacher who is able to competently solve the operational and strategic tasks of modern education of students. More and more in demand is a professional teacher who knows the technologies of personal growth, who is able to manage professional development. The study found that the process of forming a culture of lifelong education for teachers is based on the formation and development of their professionalism. The aim of the study is to develop methods for assessing the professionalism of a teacher as an important indicator of the formation of a culture of lifelong education in the implementation of the national federal project “Teacher of the Future”. By the concept of “formation of a teacher's lifelong education culture” and its integral component “professionalism”, we mean the process of developing a teacher's professional competence in solving specific pedagogical problems through determining the content, forms and methods of teaching, which is manifested in the individual's ability to assess the dynamics of the level of professionalism. It was revealed that a common feature in the semantics of the concepts of “professional competence” and “professionalism” of teachers is their dynamic nature of development. In the course of the theoretical study, it was revealed that there are various approaches to determining the levels of teacher professionalism, the analysis of which is presented in the article. On the basis of the theory of the tiered approach, it is established that the structure of the components of professionalism of all the considered approaches contains the possibilities and mechanisms of transition from one level to another. The methodological basis for the development of professionalism is determined by the law of philosophy of systems development, which provides for successive levels of development: emergence, formation, maturity, transformation. Substantive indicators of the levels of professionalism from the standpoint of the components of the culture of lifelong education of teachers are: management of personal professional development, methodological competence in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, technological effectiveness of professional activity, dissemination of pedagogical experience, innovativeness of professional activity. Based on the analysis of scientific research and the Unified State Requirements for the Qualification of Employees, the relationship between the levels of professionalism and professional competence of a teacher was established: recognition (beginner), reproduction (student), productivity (professional), creativity (skill). The methodological constructor developed by us allows the teacher to determine, in accordance with the level of professionalism, the form of raising the level of qualifications in the process of continuous education. The highlighted components and criteria of the phenomenon under study allow us to further investigate the process of forming a culture of lifelong education for a teacher and achieve positive dynamics in the formation of a professional teacher.
Koshik A.V., Dolinina I.G. PEDAGOGICAL DESIGNING OF CONCEPTS MATRIX DETERMINING THE CONTENT OF THE “SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS” CONCEPT [№ 4 ' 2019] From ancient times, civil society has studied the concepts: society, society, state, civil society, responsibility, duty, duty, punishment, means, social responsibility. There is a philosophical understanding of the category of “social responsibility”. In an ethic of responsibility, the world is accepted with all its flaws. The epistemology of social responsibility, as before, attracts the attention of philosophers. In economics, the theory of corporate social responsibility has undergone a significant evolution. The concept of social responsibility is reflected in the international standard ISO 26000: 2010. The elaboration of derivative ideas of social responsibility was also studied in jurisprudence. The organization of the pedagogical process seeks to develop voluntary responsibility that goes beyond the bounds of mandatory, and emphasizes the equal importance of social, environmental and economic responsibility. The complexity, multidimensionality and lack of knowledge of the problem of the formation of social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university stimulated us to develop a matrix of concepts determining the definition of the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university”. Our author’s pedagogical idea is based on a systemic correlation of the fundamental philosophical concepts of “society” and “responsibility”, derivative legal, economic concepts and the author’s concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university”. We have developed a matrix of concepts to clarify the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnic university.” The design of the matrix of concepts is formulated in the categories of pedagogical science, through the prism of professional and social activities of future specialists. The axiological foundations of social responsibility are defined by international and national standards of social responsibility, revealing the characteristics of civil and legal social responsibility. The matrix of concepts determines the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnic university.” It is determined by the personal qualities of future specialists, characterized by awareness of the consequences of decisions to ensure technosphere security, the internalization of legal and moral standards.
Dolin Yu.T. PREPOSITIONAL ADVERBS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (TO THE QUESTION STATEMENT) [№ 11 ' 2007] This article is devoted to the debatable and little-studied question in the Russian morphology – prepositional adverbs. On the large factual material the author proves that transformation not only of adverbs into the category of prepositions is possible in the grammatical system of the modern Russian language which is universally recognized in sciences of the Russian language, but also inverse process – transformation of some prototypal prepositions into the category of adverbs.
Dolin Yu.T. IT WAS NOT LONG AGO, IT WAS LONG SINCE... [№ 1 ' 2005]
Dolin Yu. T. PREPOSITIONS-POSTOSITONS? (ABOUT ONE FUNCTIONAL FEATURE OF PREPOSITIONS "RADY" (FOR THE SAKE OF) AND "DLYA" (FOR) IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) [№ 1 ' 2005] This article is devoted to the insufficiently known question in the Russian grammar such as postpositive using of prepositions "rady" and "dlya".
Dolin Yu.T. THE WORD ABOUT "THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SYNTAX" OF THE ACADEMIC A.A. SHAKHMATOV [№ 11 ' 2004] The role of creative work of academic A.A. Shakhmatov "The Russian language syntax" in studying of Russian syntax in XX century is appraised in this article. The effectiveness of syntax ideas of this scientist-philologist in understanding of the sentence as communicative speech unit is shown here; also working up by this academic of new for that time teaching about two-partness/one-partness of sentence is analyzed.
Dolin U.T. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT SYNTACTIC STATUS OF GENERAL-PERSONAL SENTENCES IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. [№ 5 ' 2004] The article is devoted to one of the controversial questions of Russian syntax - syntactic status of general - personal sentences. The author makes the conclusion in the result of the conducted theoretical analysis, that there are no impressive facts to figure out general - personal sentences in the class of a single structure, because they don't have its syntactic form, its structural scheme.
Doliner L.I. MODEL OF STUDYING IN CONDITIONS OF ADAPTIVE METHODICAL SYSTEMS USING [№ 7 ' 2003] Technology of adaptive methodical systems (AMS) construction is regarded in this article and methodology of studying model construction in conditions of similar systems using during education informatization is suggested here.
Dolin Y.T. DO WE NEED A NEW SHEET OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHOGRAPHY: FOR AND AGAINST [№ 4 ' 2003] In this article the author guards from a new sheet of the Russian orthography, the necessity of which has reached long ago. Now current rules of the Russian orthography and punctuation were issued by Teaching-Pedagogical Publishing House in 1956 and they have become out of date, because they do not show modern conditions of the Russian language, the language of the end XX - the beginning of XXI centuries. New sheet of orthography eliminates also the disagreement, which is present now as in different writing texts as in periodical press.
Dolin Y.T. ARE THERE ANY VERBS IN FETTS POETRY? (ON THE QUESTION OF GRAMMATICAL FORM OF NOMINATIVE SENTENCES) [№ 6 ' 2002] The article considers the controversial question in syntax, which concerns dramatical form of nominative sentences. FetTs poem "Wisper, timid breathing-" is taken as an example. The author maintains non-traditional standpoint, according to which Russian nominative sentence is a peculiar structural variety of a two-member sentence with a zero form of a word-predicate.
Y.T. Dolin ABOUT THE GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE OF ONE-MEMBER SENTENCES IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE [№ 1 ' 2001] The article deals with the arguments advanced by those linguists who try to introduce the notion of the syntactical zero in the theory of one-member sentence and as a result to quality all one-member sentences in the Russian language as two-member syntactical structures. The author gives arguments to prove his idea about different types of one-member sentences and about syntactical opposition: two-member sentence / one-member sentence.
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