Skoybedo I.E., Efimov S.G., Bolotnikov V.N., Korolikhin F.S., Dokashenko D.A. ANESTHESIA METHODS AT INTUBATION OF NASOLACRIMAL DUCT IN CHILDREN [№ 12 ' 2015] Inflammation of the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct (dacryocystitis) is the cause of lacrimal passages disfunction. Constant lacrimation, mucopurulent discharge increase the risk of purulent-septic and inflammatory diseases of the eye and organs surrounding the eye thence intubation of nasolacrimal duct in children with neonatal dacryocystitis should be carried out in the early stages (up to 6 months) and under general inhalation anesthesia. General anesthesia allows avoiding stress reactions in children, eliminates restlessness, avoids trauma and neurological complications of nasolacrimal duct intubation. Ensuring a high level of comfort to the surgeon allows recanalize nasolacrimal duct in complicated and neglected cases without too much emotional stress. High level of general anesthesia security is provided by experience and staff training, the availability of comprehensive monitoring and correct its use, allowing you to carry out the procedure on an outpatient basis with minimal risk of complications.
Dokashenko L.V. PREREQUISITES FOR BUSINESS TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA [№ 1 ' 2015] Business tourism plays an important role in the development of the national economy in every country, it actively promotes its integration into the world market and is a dynamically developing direction in the tourism industry. But the development of domestic business tourism is insufficiently deeply and not systematically investigated. In the scientific literature there is no systems approach to the study of business travel, there are not enough statistical data’s and practical research which is obligatory for a holistic picture of the business tourism market functioning in Russia. In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to determine the term “business travel”, to identify main features and specialization of business travel services, to analyze problems, conditions and factors of business tourism development, to examine patterns and trends of the business tourism market in Russia. Based on the methods of system analysis, statistical processing methods and data collection in this article were analyzed and presented the materials and statistical data defining the main directions and trends of business tourism development in Russia and worldwide. In the presented work the main features and components of the business tourism are considered, its role in the total turnover of the tourism business are discussed, the external necessity to develop modern infrastructure of the business tourism are emphasized. To the proposals of business tourism development and promotion, which are highlighted in the article refer: government support of business travel; infrastructure development of business tourism, construction of a business hotels with modern conference facilities and the necessary network specialized on tourism services; staff training; simplification of visa requirements, stimulating Russian organizations to participate in exhibitions and congresses held in Russia and abroad. These activities will contribute in the conditions of strong competition of tourism services on the world market the successful development of business tourism in the Russian Federation.
Dokashenko L.V., Bobrova V.V. THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURSES IN INNOVATION ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT [№ 13 ' 2011] In the article qualitative characteristics and the role of human resources able to generate and implement new ideas and modern technologies into innovation process are determined and peculiarities of human resources control function in innovative organization are considered.
Dokashenko L.V. MANAGEMENT OF STEADY DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION ON PRINCIPLES OF SELF-MANAGEMENT [№ 8 ' 2004] In the work the approach to steady development of the organization is examined on the basis of principles of self-management. In author?s opinion it is possible to provide a steady development of the organization with the methods of self-management. Self-management is investigated not only from positions of personal technologies, but also self-management of working teams on the basis of mobilization and preservation of internal sources of self-organizing and self-improvement of the organization. Not only various approaches to definition of the term "self-management" are considered but also genesis of self-management.
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |