Arifullin M.R., Berdinskiy V. L. NONLOCAL CORRELATIONS OF INDISTINGUISHABLE FERMIONS MULTISPIN STATES [№ 9 ' 2013] Any large system of N fermions, such as electrons with spin S = 1/2, the spin state of any particle are shown to be entangled with the other part of the system containing N-1 particle. However, the spin state of this electron is not entangled with any other particle, and spin state of any electron pair is not entangled. These properties of spin states manifest in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen as confirmation or violation of the Bell inequalities indicating the presence of non-local quantum spin correlations.
Arifullin M. R., Berdinsky V. L. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT OF SPIN STATES OF INDISTINGUISHABLE FERMIONS [№ 6 ' 2013] Spin density matrices of the system, containing arbitrary even number N of indistinguishable fermions with spin S = 1/2, described by antisymmetric wave function, have been calculated. The indistinguishability and the Pauli principles are proved to determine uniquely spin states, spin correlations and entanglement of fermion spin states. Increase of the particle number in the multifermion system reduces the spin correlation in any pair of fermions. The fully entangled system of N electrons are shown to be composed by pairs with nonentangled spin states that is the incoherent superposition of the singlet and triplet states.
Klimov A.V., Berdinskiy V.L. MAGNETIC STATES OF BUILDING BLOCKS OF THREE-NUCLEAR MOLECULAR ANTIFERROMAGNETS. [№ 4 ' 2012] The ground magnetic and spin states of triangular hetero-ionic complexes [M'(M")2]L3 containing ions M' and M" with different electron spins have been studied. These ions are supposed to interact via exchange interactions with negative exchange constants J and J'. Noncoplanar magnetic and spin structures are possible. Spin functions are independent of J'/J. The ratio J'/J affects only realization of one of the possible spin states. Such complexes with noncoplanar magnetic structures can be used for designing 2D and 3D lattices of new molecular ferrimagnets.
Aykunin I.N., Berdinsky V.L. QUANTUM MEASURING OF CONDITION AS IMPULSIVE FORCE OF COHERENT EVOLUTION AND "HEATING" OF MEASURING SYSTEM [№ 2 ' 2009] On the example of two-level system it is shown that measuring instrument induces quantum evolution in measuring system, if operator of measured quantity does not commute with Hamiltonian which happens even if at the starting moment the system is in general condition. The authors suggest the solution of task about system transfer into orthogonal excited condition. Also they suggest two types of quantum evolution: oscillating and kinetic (nonoscillating), and also conditions of their appearance. It is confirmed that measuring instrument can increase the energy of non-singular system ("heat" it).
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |