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August 2018, № 6 (218), pages 18-22

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-18

Grigoryeva E.L., Bystritskaya E.V., Doronin K.N., Koryakovtsev D.A. AUTODIDACTICISM FOR PARENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF MULTI-ETHNIC SCHOOLThe tendency to increase the number of multinational educational organizations in the Russian Federation has caused a number of educational problems, including problems of overcoming the language barrier, improving the health of children of migrant workers, their full socialization and integration into the Russian-speaking community, as well as a number of others. We have determined that the source of these difficulties in organizing the educational process in the Russian-language school is the weak inclusion of parents of different ethnic groups in the educational environment of the school where their children study. The authors also revealed a lack of sufficient motivation and awareness of the objectives of such inclusion among parents of younger schoolchildren. What certainly reduces the effectiveness of the educational process in a polyethnic school. We have proposed a model for the inclusion of parents of younger schoolchildren, especially from among the representatives of non-indigenous nationalities, in the educational space, where the efforts of the family and school are coordinated in terms of the adaptation of younger schoolchildren to the conditions of education and residence, as well as full-fledged self-realization in Russian society.
In accordance with our model, education was organized for parents of younger schoolchildren on the issues of education and upbringing of their children, as well as on the formation of the necessary pedagogical knowledge of the parents themselves in the mode of autodidactics of self-education. The basic technology of interaction between teachers and parents of younger schoolchildren according to our proposed model of incorporating parents of younger schoolchildren — representatives of non-indigenous ethnic groups into the educational space of the school informing them about self-education methods and the basics of autodidactics is the online and offline technology of problem-oriented counseling.
As a result of the introduction of the model, we have identified the most effective methods of autodidacticism for parents: self-control, goal-setting, self-motivation, self-evaluation and self-correction. Based on the diagnostics according to the monitoring complex, we developed guidelines for the inclusion of parents in the multi-ethnic educational space of the school based on the methods of autodidacticim.
Key words: autodidacticism, multi-ethnic educational organization, activity of the advisory center, interaction of teachers and parents of younger school students, contents and technologies of education.


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About this article

Authors: Grigoryeva E.L., Bystritskaya E.V., Doronin K.N., Koryakovtsev D.A.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-18

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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