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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

August 2018, № 6 (218), pages 6-11

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-6

Vyazmin Y.N. HISTORICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FORMATION OF MUSICAL EDUCATION PHENOMENON IN RUSSIA IN XIX — BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIESFor many centuries, great philosophers, scientists, educators, teachers put the art of music and musical education on one of the most important stages of general education. Based on the rich experience of the world pedagogical practice in the field of music education, Russia has come a long way of transformation.
My study is based on the combination of historical, theoretical, cultural and musical-analytical methods in relation to the phenomena located in the designated chronological relationship of national history, general and musical pedagogy, musicology, cultural studies, sociology, philosophy of culture.
The history of Russian musical education goes back to Ancient Russia, during the period of the Russian people’s conversion to Christian teaching. Until the 19th century, spiritual music remained an obvious priority in the sphere of musical culture.The demand for Church music turned the sphere of spiritual musical culture into a musical and educational structure that brought up a galaxy of Russian composers, singers and regents. The second half of the XIX century marked a new stage in the formation and development of musical education in Russia. Democratic trends that took place in Russian society after the abolition of serfdom, the activation of all aspects of public life have outlined the sociodynamics of musical education in the direction of a diverse contingent of students. In my opinion, this was the impetus for the further development of Russian music education, in which a significant place was given to the classical direction, the study and preservation of folk art, musical folklore. It seems to me very important and timely to create at this time musical structures and the opening of musical schools. The opening of Imperial Russian musical society in 1856 in St. Petersburg, and in 1860 in Moscow, opening of conservatories in St. Petersburg (1862) and in Moscow (1866), Free musical school in Moscow (1862) became bright events for this time. I believe that the period of the second half of XIX — early XX centuries was decisive in the formation of the system of musical education in Russia.
I think that the ideas laid down more than a hundred years ago help to preserve the fundamental, large-scale character and determine the strategy of development of Russian musical education in the XXI century.
Key words: pedagogy, musical culture, musical education, folklore, Conservatory.


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About this article

Author: Vyazmin Yu.N.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-6

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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