Levshin L.V., Saletsky A.M., Kucherenko M.G., Palem A.A. LUMINESCENCE DEPOLARIZATION OF WELL-ORDERED MOLECULAR AGGREGATESPeculiarities of researches of local and aeolotropic systems on the base of polarization characteristics of its luminescence are shortly discussed in this article. Matematical model of luminescence depolarization process of well-ordered molecular associats (type J-aggregates) or mesomorphic domains, considering its rotation and paired annihilation of electronic excitation in limits of micro blast furnaces, is constructed. The cases of migration rapid annihilation of triplet excitons and static distance response of singlet and triplet excitons, are researched in ditail.
About this article
Authors: Saletskiy A.M., Levshin L.V., Kucherenko M.G., Palem A.A.
Year: 2005
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |