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February 2018, № 2 (214), pages 47–52

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-214-47

Muravyeva O.A. INTERACTION OF THE TEACHER AND STUDENTS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONOne of the tasks of modern educational programs is the implementation of student-centered approach in the educational process, the main part of which is the pedagogical interaction of subject-subject character. The latter is studied by us in relation to its interpretation by the students of State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution “Humanitarian and Technical College”. Identifying the correlation between the student-centered approach and the actual understanding of this process by the students will help to determine the level of implementation of the student-centered approach in the educational process in this institution. During the diagnostic assessment students were offered both direct questions revealing their attitude to interaction in this educational environment, and indirect questions establishing the position in the hierarchy of the person’s value orientations. In the first case, on the basis of the received answers, the first task of the questionnaire was formulated in the form of the list consisting of ten positions which denote possible interpretations of this concept. This allowed to rank these positions by priority as well as to consider the degree of compliance of the student-centered approach to the results of the obtained data. In the second case the task included the questions of the indirect character and served to identify the hierarchy of the students’ value orientations in relation to the concept “interaction”. The obtained results showed the existence of the student-centered approach based on the active connection between the students and the teachers. But the participants of the educational process are not ready enough to manage the educational activity independently. The results of the research proved the existence of difficulty in the implementation of the student-centered approach in the educational environment of the College. This is connected with the lack of the students’ personal interests to the sphere of getting knowledge, their motivational immaturity that happen to be serious obstacles for the student-centered approach. The analysis of the data led us to the accents that require correction of understanding of pedagogical interaction in order to improve the quality of the educational process and the development of the students personality.Key words: student-centered approach, subject-subject interaction, self-actualization, education system.


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About this article

Author: Muravyova O.A.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-214-47

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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