Matchin G.A., Vilkova K.K. ANALYSIS OF NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL STABILITY OF STUDENTSWhile studying at the University students have great neuro-psychiatric and other stresses that can cause nervous breakdowns and a negative impact on their health and process education.After graduation, students will work as teachers, educators, and low neuro-psychological stability will reflect not only on the educational process, but also on the health of students. In addition, the teacher has the moral and legal responsibility for the pupils with whom he can get to the emergencies of different origin, which nowadays are often enough.Purpose: to determine the neuro-psychological stability of students of first courses of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The method of research: to interview the students using the technique "Prediction". A total number of interviewed students from different faculties of the University is 289. The results of the interview: the greatest neuro-psychological stability was observed in female students of the Faculty of preschool and primary education, and then in descending order the studentsof life safety department of physical education, health and safety, historical, foreign languages and physical mathematic faculties. The highest possibility of occurrence of nervous breakdowns can have students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and the lowest — students of faculty of preschool and primary education. In our opinion, such a distribution of probability of breakdowns because students of preschool and primary education live mainly in the countryside, so they are more engaged and more physically prepared for a variety of domestic difficulties. Students of life safety and physical education as well as health and safety department more than prepared for life in the physical plane, and the physical culture and sport increase human resistance to various stressful situations.Key words: students, questionnaires, neuro-psychological stability, analysis.
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About this article
Authors: Matchin G.A., Vilkova K.K.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |